Italian Baseball and Softball Federation

The press conference for the BXC 2023 Beginners Tournament in Bollata in support of breast cancer prevention, organized by the Region of Lombardy on August 31 in the impressive Belvedere, was attended by all institutional, medical and sports components involved and went far beyond announcing a mere partnership for holding a sporting event.

“Together” was the slogan, and everyone wanted to give it a structural, extra-episode meaning.

This was well emphasized by the President of the region: Attilio FontanaIn his greeting, he said: “The message about the union of social volunteering and sport, which you sent out loud and clear, was received with great pleasure. There is no other way to overcome difficulties than together with others, finding mutual support and energy. The very concept of “Beginners” means vitality, enthusiasm and energy for something new, so I wish you a lot of fun and good luck, as is customary in sports.

Elena LucchiniThe Adviser for Family Affairs, Social Solidarity, Disability and Equal Opportunities wanted to acknowledge many of those present, not only the media, but also the main participants in the initiative, focusing on prevention: “The incidence of breast cancer is high, but early diagnosis is a very powerful weapon. We also try to support women with practical aids so they can lead full and fulfilling lives. In addition to the 6,000 women we have reached in recent years, we are adding all those whom we have helped through our joint work with the third sector.”

Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth Delegation Lara Magoni she said: “I am very excited because I really enjoyed playing sports and getting the experience associated with it, but today I fully understand that this is a tool to do things that go beyond the football field.

And doing it in synergy is definitely one way to succeed. Congratulations to Adele on the abbreviation CAOS, which seems to be reminiscent of the idea of ​​confusion, but is actually a very specific and clear way of getting attention and attention.”

Emanuel MountainsPresident of the Regional Welfare Commission, wanted to thank the world of volunteers for “the unique energy that even today is expressed here in the presence of many people with common goals.”

Then the case went to the president of the Italian Baseball and Softball Federation. Andrey Marcon Introducing the sports part of the conference: “The first or second thing I did as federal president was an agreement to include BXC in FIBS with a competitive championship absolutely equal to other disciplines. We are the only national sports federation in this respect.” We are also the only ones with a blind member on the Council, and I assure you, the work of Barbara Menoni is being felt. Just like how competitive he is when he’s on the pitch,” he concluded jokingly.

The presentation of the medical part was carried out jointly with Matteo Gandinifrom Adele Patrini, President of the CAOS Association, Honorary President of I Patrini BXC and Advisor to FIBS Lombardy: “I would like to start with a fundamental concept: we want to turn a critical moment into a force. Invest in energy, creativity and passion to overcome challenges. My relationship with Baseball Played by the Blind started by chance when I hosted the Milan derby between Lampi and Tuoni in Malnata, on a field created by my father. Baseball is a family passion, then I had direct contact with this disease three times and decided to found CAOS. Today my two passions have come together here. This team gathered here does not ask what the connection is between BXC and breast cancer, but come together to concretely create a community of well-being that does not come from others, but is born from people: breast departments also live off the contributions of former patients- women.”

Maria Grazia ColomboASST Extraordinary Commissioner Fatebenefratelli Sacco said: “Organization is the cure. Being in the area to check on occasions such as sporting events is very important to us because putting prevention in an everyday context helps our work.”

Marco BosioThe General Manager of the Metropolitan ASST Grande Hospital in Niguarde confirmed: “We immediately found ourselves using sport as a means to achieve positive values. The breast department is not only a search for the maximum efficiency of the medical aspect, but also the maximum attention to the person at the time of great fragility.”

Gabriella Farina, Director of Medical Oncology SC and Director of Oncology ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco: “Being ahead of the curve is our strength. Prevention is not only participation in screenings, but also lifestyle and attention to genetic history. We are proud that we are going to the territory, towards people, together with healed women. Treatment effectiveness is maximized when control is close to home.”

Anthony DeLuca, head of the department of mammology at the ASST Grande Metropolitan Hospital in Niguarde: “I read the CAOS slogan: take care of yourself, with us you will never be alone, and it seems to me that it is perfectly focused. Commitment is the driving force behind those who work in the breast departments. Confidence-building is critical, as are messages of optimism such as the one we convey here today. I’m sure players put the same commitment into this when they take the field that we put into the patients we see in the clinic.”

The beginning of a sports deepening is a task Barbara Menoni, Federal Councilor and President of the BXC Commission, as well as the athlete and captain Leonessa Brescia of the BXC, who illustrated the goals of the Commission: “Basically, we have two missions: to bring BXC to where it does not already exist, and to create conditions so that in the new realities it is possible to technically grow and get to participate in the championship. This rookie tournament will be a test for us and for these guys, for us it is already a success to get them off the couch and from under the sometimes intrusive protection of their families. I say thank you to the region, to the municipality of Bollate, to the baseball of Bollate, to Adele and to the doctors who help the women of Bollate during the pink month.

Eva TrevisanAIBXC Vice President and former national softball team captain conveyed greetings from association president Alberto Mazzanti and thanked everyone for the great opportunity the Esordienti tournament presents. He also recalled that: “Besides the Italian business, AIBXC also does a lot of business abroad. Last year we launched the first international tournament, and in 2023 on October 7-8 we will be in Bologna for the first European Championship with the participation of Italy, France, Holland, Germany and the UK.”

Lorenzo DeRenyi, a Milanese baseball pioneer and former member of the AIBXC and the WBSC Blind Baseball Commission, affirmed the ambition of the Paralympic Games, even if: “Times will be long, but the goal is precisely to be part of the Paralympic Games programme.” Brisbane, 2032″. He recalled how, having accepted the invitation of Alfredo Meli, the ex-champion of Bologna and the creator of the BXC, Milan and Lombardy immediately rolled up their sleeves, with the birth of the Thunder Five, Lampi, Patrini Malnate and Leonessa Brescia, bringing to the field In total, 11 championships out of 27 were held in the region championships held.

Meli came to Milan with a message about blind baseball and we took the lead. “Also at the international level, we attracted Germany, France, Pakistan, then Bologna made promotions in Cuba, Panama, Holland, China.”

Regional President of the Paralympic Committee of Lombardy Pierangelo Santelli he recalled that in order to qualify for the status of a Paralympic discipline, it is necessary to involve at least 3 continents and 8 countries. Therefore, there are some difficulties, but the work does not stop because of this.”

Joseph Rosafio, captain of I Patrini Baseball, Italian BXC player and 4-time Italian Paralympic champion in athletics, gave his testimony: “For me, as for many athletes, this is revenge: I lost my sight at 30, and when I hit the first ball and ran, I began to re-master my body, the space in which we live. When you travel in sports, you are doing what you truly believe in. Team life has brought me here to the 39th floor, so high thanks to the “Sports” to perform in front of such a huge audience. Next weekend we will open this opportunity to many new guys.”

girls from Lombardy U13 softball selectionreturning from the Little League World Series, accompanied by staff and the President of the FIBS Regional Committee. Gin Pumpkin they smiled in casual photos as they proudly displayed the special Fair Play award they brought home from Greenville, North Carolina.

The perfect conclusion was an invitation to participate in the BXC Beginners Tournament with an appointment at the Bollate baseball field in Via Verdi on September 2 (from 10) and September 3 (from 10) and a special thanks to the sports adviser. Ida De FlavisPresident and Vice President of Bollate Baseball Antonino Calasso AND Paul Boniardi.

from Milan, Marco Landi

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