it’s the ghost of christmas present

Once the pandemic subsides, influenza viruses will take their rightful place.Now is the time to value what Covid-19 has taught us: masks, testing and isolation

as it is said in the classics christmas story Dickens said that in the age we live in, we too have our own ghosts.The difference is that instead of being a miser Mr. Scrooge, we have a virus.There is no doubt about this The ghost of Christmas past (and before) is the coronavirus. Specifically, there is a variant called Ómicron, known for its high transmission capacity.

we believe Coronavirus will be our worst nightmare Forever and ever, until time puts things (and viruses) back into place. And, although there haven’t been as many roosters in the same coop in recent years and the coronavirus has won the race, Christmas has always been flu season. Now, Once the epidemic eases, these influenza viruses will take their rightful place.

December 22: I got something big

As you know, perhaps because I speak from facts, I have a certain tendency to experience firsthand the topics I discuss. today, There are four “new coronaviruses” behind meI can say that I know all about the uses and habits of the coronavirus.

So I wasn’t surprised when, on December 22 last year, the day of the draw, I won the jackpot because I was positive for influenza A. If this virus starts to become a trend…I’ll have to try it! When I saw the positive test results in the influenza A box instead of the coronavirus box, my first thought was the flu! This is too bad! Nothing is further from reality. Call me lazy, but having the flu in 2023 is a little different than having the flu pre-pandemic. Or at least that’s how it should be, because whether we like it or not, some things have changed forever.

Will the 2023 flu be worse than 2019?

These are the questions anyone who is lucky enough to have a positive case of influenza A this Christmas will be asking.

1. Is the current flu virus “more serious” than flu viruses from previous seasons?

The reality is that while some of us have experienced influenza A infection as a precursor to death, globally It seems that the 2023 version of the influenza virus is not a more aggressive virus Nor is it any more lethal than the previous one.

However, Everything indicates it may be more contagious. Conclusion: If it is more contagious, we have to protect ourselves more, and this is where preventive measures against the flu come into play (masks, testing, distance, vaccines) that before the arrival of the coronavirus either did not exists, or no one takes very effective measures. seriously. .

2. Is the flu vaccine still effective?

certainly. It’s true that flu vaccines are generally not particularly effective at preventing infection. In fact, last year the vaccine was 27-50% effective.However, also The number of vaccinated people who are not infected is significant Or, if they do, they tend to experience milder symptoms.

Although vaccination funding is in principle only provided to high-risk groups, Many autonomous regions also provide free management to other communities The percentage of people who have died when all doses for vulnerable groups have been administered.Anyway, you can always Less than 20 euros from the pharmacy. Yes, flu vaccination rates have always left a lot to be desired, but now, with information about its benefits at our fingertips, we shouldn’t even think about it.

3. Do we really have to wear masks again?

It turns out that masks are One of the most effective measures to contain the virus. No one likes wearing them, but they are necessary.Remember: We are not in a time of scarcity; we have FFP2 mask Available to everyone. If someone is infected or suspects they may be infected, they must wear an FFP2 mask. If they look at you like a weirdo, assume they are weird (and selfish) because you are protecting’s time Ending “mask shame” Look at those wearing it as if they are troubled. If we do this, infected people will do the easiest thing possible: not wear them.

4. Do I need to take an exam?

Test, test, test! This has been the WHO Director-General’s mantra during the lockdown, and it must continue to be so.exactly Provide “First and Last Name” for tenants Things that make our lives impossible will always be recommended. because?

On the one hand, it makes us aware of our situation: If we know we have COVID-19, we will be more cautious than if we think we have a common cold. On the other hand, the treatment may vary depending on the “bug” that caused it: Let’s remember that infections can also be bacterial. Information is always power.

Luckily, now we not only have testing available for everyone, but it’s also affordable. Prices are marked at ¤2.90 legal.Additionally, the new test is a 3×1 Not only can it detect Coronavirus, but also influenza A and B.

To sum up: How do we face this new influenza A epidemic?

Fortunately, there are more weapons than ever, but you have to want and know how to use them:

vaccine: Regarding vaccines, I say I’m guilty. Although it is done every year, this 23/24 event, due to lack of organization, I haven’t been vaccinated yet Fight the flu.Maybe I would have been infected anyway, but probably not as virulent as the one I got Had these symptoms (fever approaching 40 degrees and the worst shakes I can remember).

test: As far as I’m concerned, thanks Triple testing inPeople who test positivethat afternoon I canceled attending an 80-year-old relative’s birthday.. Here’s something that wasn’t going to happen in 2019: I thought it was just a common cold and I would go in with a low-grade fever and discomfort, like so many times we’ve attended events without feeling sick. Is this an exaggeration? In Spain, during the 2019-2020 flu season, 27,700 people were hospitalized due to influenza, 1,800 were admitted to ICU, and 3,900 people died due to influenza.If these tests had been available in 2019, it’s likely that some of them Death could have been avoided.

mask: although Of course, “we are positive”. But I add: If symptoms persist (cough, mucus), even if the test is negative, as a precaution, During the first few days after a “negative” it is recommended to continue Wear a mask to avoid infecting others. I demonstrate that, far from being seen as an act of citizenship, this is what is pursued in thought, word, and action. After a few days on the streets wearing a mask, I observed how some people looked at me, how others whispered to me as I passed by, and many simply walked away…as if they had no memory and didn’t know what I was doing with my gestures The thing is very simple, just protect them.

No, we are not coming out of this pandemic better. Not even half the lessons learned. But just because today’s law doesn’t require us to wear a mask, get tested, or avoid social gatherings when we have symptoms, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. It is our duty to combat the ghost of Christmas gifts. If not, let’s prepare now for the Ghost of Christmas Future.

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