James McAvoy makes his directorial debut with the story of Silibil N’ Brains

James McAvoy in the movie Fragmentados

James McAvoyI know about his iconic work as Charles Xavier in the Universe X-Men and its dark interpretation Fragmented (Split – 2016), I am on the list of those wishing to find a new challenge in the film industry. On this occasion, the experienced actor will enter the world of conducting, telling the incredible story of two young people who emerge and try to conquer the world of music.

The film will explore history Gavin Bain th Billy Boyd These men made a bold attempt to capture their own themes with fake hundreds and present themselves in London as an established duo in the California music scene, including endorsing their childhood friends. Eminem. This argument quickly earned her a recording contract and a significant amount of money for Adelante until her lies were exposed.

James McAvoy in the movie Fragmentados

Production is scheduled to begin next year, with much of the filming taking place on location. Product with this film Homefront Productionsthe same company that produces Defender (Facade – 2013). In this film, a former police officer moves to a small town to start a new life with his ten-year-old hijah. Starred in a big picture Jason Statham th Winona Ryderand the guide is written based on the movie legend Sylvester Stallonefamous for his work in it Rocky.

McAvoy expressed his emotions about this new project, stating: “Using the talent I have discovered behind the camera is something I am passionate about and I am thrilled to be making my directorial debut in my home country. The film will be, above all, a celebration of a newfound spirit, but Silibil N’ Brains’ bold falsification is bound to attract audiences around the world.”

Considering that no one has revealed details about the film, news about James McAvoy He’s interesting as a director and promises work that combines his discovered talent with a truly dark story. The film is currently in the casting stage and you promise that it will be a project that will attract the attention of a global audience.

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