Jennifer Lopez, her beauty ally n. 1? Sunscreen

Happy birthday Jennifer Lopez: the diva turns 54 (between ups and downs)

At 54 Jennifer Lopez always on the crest of a wave: movies, music and relationships with Ben Affleck are flourishing. And she’s always prettier. but how to do that? She revealed it herself in an Instagram post in which she reveals herself “without filters. Only me. This is me at 54, radiant and happy.“. And in the video, she shares her beauty ritual and some beauty secrets. Explaining that his number one ally… sunscreen.

beauty ritual jennifer lopez

In the video, J. Lo shares his personal care with his subscribers. Which is very simple, but no less effective. Reiterating that she is “no makeup and no filters”, she starts with moisturizing serum, on which he does not skimp in quantity. She applies a lot to her hands and then gently applies all over her face and neck. And since this is one of her products, she also challenges the haters: “This is for those who say that J. Lo does not use his products on himself. Here you are”.

Sunscreen from 20 years old

Then the second step of the beauty procedure, perhaps even more important: after moisturizing serum, apply Sun protection. What, according to him, “I have been using since I was twenty“. And in the video, in addition to showing the correct application method, he explains that sun protection is “essential. I started using it when I was very young and I advise you to start early.”

Jennifer Lopez: The secret to her radiant skin at 54 is sunscreen (Getty)

Jennifer Lopez: The secret to her radiant skin at 54 is sunscreen (Getty)

And the results are visible on his face. Her skin is radiant and supple. And, as she herself says, at 54 years old, she still “shines and shines”. After all, it is well known that prolonged exposure to the sun causes damage to the skin. For this reason, sunscreen can indeed be an effective anti-aging ally.

Why Use Sunscreen

ultraviolet rays of the sun, in fact, they not only can cause burns and rashes, but also speed up the process cellular aging. They also cause wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. This is due to the fact that after a few minutes of exposure to the sun, UV rays are activated. processes of degradation of dermal proteins, starting with elastic, which is a substance that guarantees the elasticity of the skin.

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To prevent the effects of photoaging (that is, skin aging caused by damage from prolonged sun exposure, with deep sailor’s wrinkles and loss of elasticity), Jennifer Lopez’s advice is more than accurate. And it is no coincidence that sunscreens are increasingly used not only on the beach, but also in the city, in everyday life.


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