Jennifer Lopez: Sie fühlte sich nach der Geburt “unsicher”

Jennifer Lopez Sie fühlte sich nach der Geburt “unsicher”

Jennifer Lopez: Sie fühlte sich nach der Geburt “unsicher”

Jennifer Lopez spoke about her problems with their Kerper.

© Image Press Agency/ImageCollect

Viele Mütter kennen das Gefühl der körperlichen Unsicherheit nach einer Geburt. Also, Jennifer Lopez, who had never seen her, was wearing a hat.

Jennifer Lopez (54 years old) faced a problem related to their career when her life was connected with Zwillinge in Yarovoy 2008. On the Internet portal “E! News” you can read about the Schauspielerin and Musikerin competitions in Los Angeles for fitness trainer Tracy Anderson (48) for the “Outstanding Achievement in Fitness” award at the Daytime Beauty Awards and Laudatio.

Anderson was born in January 2008 after Maximilian David Muniz and Emma Maribel Muniz (15) talked about being born so they could become better people at heart. “The next day I’ll have more than once and the first version of my version, how I want it and want it,” Lopez says, if you want to know more about it. Sie erinnere sich daran, like Tracy, sie damals “inspired and ermutigt” habe, jede Version ihres Körpers zu feiern, während ihr Leben und ihre Bedürfnisse sich schlagartig verändert hätten.

So, half a day Fitness Trainer after Geburt der Zwillinge

“I’m Tracy Gleich next to the best Kenn Zwillinge. I found myself in a new time where I had a good time and a good time, so I can see what happens when I want to go to war, I will have the best fresh food in the world. der Geburt,” said Lopez Weiter. Die Zeit mit Anderson sei für sie sehr entscheidend gewesen. If you have a new look, you will find new colors and have a good time at the right time, so you will be happy with what you are looking for.

Lopez received the title in 2004 from Sanger Marc Anthony (55 years old), from Bürgerlich Marco Antonio Muniz. Rund vier Jahre später brachte sie die gemeinsamen Zwillinge zur Welt. After the end of January 2011, he will be in 2022 with the American Ben Affleck (51), with whom he will be ready to spend another year with Anthony. Für Lopez ist dies bereits die vierte Ehe.


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