Johnny Depp, new life in the countryside: «Here I can be myself»

New life for Johnny Depp. After divorce stormy from Amber Heard, the trials, and the story that soon came to an end with his lawyer, Joelle Rich, the actor has decided to say goodbye to Hollywood and to choose to live in a more similar environment, away from any clamor. The Jack Sparrow of the screen moved to the UK, and now lives in the Somerset, in the English countryside, as he revealed in the April issue of Somerset Life.

«I love places with character. I have several houses in various places and they all mean something special to me. I don’t have them just to say I own them,” she told the magazine, emphasizing her need for a quieter life. “The British are fantastic and they greet you as if you were a neighbor, without exaggerating. I don’t care if people ask for an autograph or a quick chat, but not when I’m spending private time with my family.” It’s still: “I can go into shops without being surrounded by people who want selfies. Up to a point I don’t mind, but sometimes it gets a bit too much.’ In short, the affection of the fans is pleasing, but not when it becomes morbid attention. And Depp likes the discretion of the British, similar to his way of being.

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Contrary to what one might think of a star, in fact, Depp admitted: “I’m a rather shy person”and is happy with his choice: “Here I can only be myself, and it’s nice.” The house, according toEvening Standardwhich the actor reckoned in his pocket, would have cost 13 million pounds. The purchase dates back to 2014, at the time of his engagement to Amber Heard, but only in recent months has Depp chosen it as his favorite residence. Three and a half hours drive from London, so quite isolated but not out of touch, she is set in 850 acres of enclosed parkland and would have 12 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms; not quite the cottage one imagines when thinking of the English countryside, but a home worthy of Hollywood. She may be a shy one, but she’s still a star. Depp is taking his new life very seriously, so much so that he personally even thinks about the furnishings.

A few weeks ago he was spotted buying antiques in Lincolnshire, defined as a bit «extravagant» by Robert Miller, owner of Hemswell Antiques Centres, who spared no detail in a chat with Average AP: “A desk chair, three guitars, paint set, easels, some photos and posters.”

Meanwhile, the actor is preparing for his return to the screen. It will be Louis XV in Jeanne du Barry, by independent director Maïwenn, expected by the end of the year. Three years since the last work, fans can’t wait.

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