Jorge Lanata hospitalized again

The journalist suffered from pneumonia and was undergoing research at the Favaloro Foundation.

14:57 | 14:57 Tuesday, October 31, 2023 | La Rioja, Argentina | Fenix ​​Multi-Platform

Jorge Lanata is admitted to the Favaloro Foundation due to pneumonia. Starting on Monday, he developed a fever that never went down, and the doctors treating him felt that given his medical history, it was best to keep him under observation and study.

“I have pneumonia and they give me antibiotics and I have to stay here until I get better before I can go home.”the host said during a phone conversation on his radio show wool without filterwho predicted he would be able to complete his plans on Sunday Journalism for everyoneEl Treche.

It is reported intruderHe was absent from the station on Monday, but no one thought the situation might be serious because his wife, Elba Marcovecchio, is producing the show. Marianne’s diary Previously, she had cared for her husband, who had health problems.

However, the photo of Jorge Lanata is subtle because it comes from other recent hospitalizations. He was last discharged from hospital on September 18. At that time, Journalism for everyone He promises that the last one “is the worst.”

“My feelings are very complicated, But everything is accidental. Suddenly nothing happens to you and suddenly it happens to you. It’s completely accidental.I went through three stages The last condition is more complicated and is called septic shock. (systemic infection). My feeling now is that I was out for about four or five months, not that I was actually there for a month, but when you look closer you see there seems to be more time,” he said on Said when returning to work after being hospitalized for the first time.

“It’s worse than a transplant, which is another type of quilombo. What will happen is what must happen. You are ready. There is no plan here. At one point I was scared because I was traveling back and forth to therapy multiple times. I get scared when I think, ‘How can this continue?’” he asked himself.

Jorge Lanata He was hospitalized for a urinary tract infection and went home after 19 days in the hospital. He was able to celebrate his birthday at home on September 12. However, he developed a fever and had to be admitted to the intensive care unit again. A few days later, he was finally discharged from the hospital.

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