Kadyrov is “dying, he’s in a coma,” video response from the Chechen leader who buried a doctor and deputy prime minister alive: “I was poisoned”

He would come out’coma‘ and went for walk. After several days of indiscretion by Ukrainian intelligence regarding a suspected serious health condition, the person concerned began to think about it. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrovto try to clarify the situation in a war where propaganda on both sides is always the order of the day.

On Sunday, September 17, 48 hours after the rumors appeared, Kadyrov issued a statement. video advice to everyone who doesn’t know distinguish truth from lies“to take a walk in the fresh air. UNIAN resumed the video, which lasts several seconds, emphasizing that it is unknown whether the images were taken today or whether this is a video taken some time ago. Kadyrov looks healthy as he walks along a country road in light rain.

Sources in the Ukrainian government (who questioned the Russian Telegram channels) called K. seriously ill, in a coma or even dead.Adyrov thanks the “rain” because it “wonderfully invigorates”. In the video, he is smiling, but with a slightly swollen face. Just two days ago, on Friday September 15, Ukrainian military intelligence confirmed the news that the “Grozny butcher,” an ally of Vladimir Putin in the war against Kiev, is in a coma and in serious condition.

In September, the Russian Telegram channel VChK-OGPU reported that this was done by the Chechen leader. bury alive his Deputy Prime Minister and personal physician Elkhan Suleymanov, suspected of trying to poison him with injections. This story was relaunched by the German publication Bild. The Kremlin has not commented on this issue in recent days.

Anton Gerashchenko, An adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, a few hours before the publication of Kadyrov’s video, published on social networks a photograph of the Chechen leader with his eyes closed and the following caption. “First Prigozin. Now Kadyrov.” – write Russian Telegram channels. Some say he is already dead, others say he is in critical condition and has fallen into a coma due to severe kidney failure or that he was poisoned. Until recently, Prigozhin and Kadyrov were the only people in Russia with significant power resources who allowed their personal “discussions” about the course of the war.”

Further claim: “After the murder of Prigozhin, I immediately wrote that Kadyrov would be next. Let’s see if the Putin regime is really getting rid of everything and everyone who can afford autonomy and their own heavily armed private army. If Kadyrov dies, the situation in Chechnya may change. Will Putin be able to maintain control over Chechnya? Will it become the center of resistance again? This could be an opportunity that the Chechen people can take advantage of.”

Meanwhile, the war between Russian and Ukrainian propaganda continues quietly.

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