Kevin Pedraza dies at 19 in tragic accident Grupo Milenio

Kevin Pedrazayoung singer and group lead singer “Kevin Pedraza and True Passion” Died at 19.young man’s death is doomed and the serious injuries he suffered after the incident The motorcycle he was riding crashed against the truck in the city Chiclayo (Peru).

According to the doctor, Kevin diagnosed with traumatic brain injury severe traumatic brain injury, multisystem trauma, aspiration pneumonia, and According to the media “El Comercio”, the wrist and tibia were fractured. According to national media reports, the young man drove home at night After leaving university.

Who is Kevin Pedraza?

The singer is only 19 years old and owns a cumbia band called “sanjuanera”. Kevin’s father is the manager of the band “Kevin Pedraza & La Auténtica Pasión”.Pedraza studied at He was from the University of Science and Technology of Peru (UTP).

Some of the band’s best known songs are “La Carpuela”, “Por un Caminito” and “Tu amor compare”.

On social networks, Kevin’s fans expressed their sadness for the singer. Luis Solozano, the former mayor of the city where he lives, tweeted: “Goodbye Kevin Pedraza! It’s heartbreaking when a young Peruvian is leaving who is able to contribute more to our country, a young artist who shook northern Peru.”.

Meanwhile, his friend Junior Mendoza published a letter expressing his regret at the death of the young translator: “Your music and your kindness will remain in our hearts. Your voice will always resonate in our souls and your acts of kindness will be a legacy that inspires many.”.

the truck driver should be drunk

According to media reports Peruvian “Popular”, Singer Kevin Pedraza’s death may have been caused by the recklessness of the driver of the truck he hit. According to the singer’s father, truck driver may be drunk When the traffic accident that killed Kevin Pedraza happened.

“He was drunk. This guy got out and washed everything on the road, I don’t think my son has time to react,” the man revealed to the media.


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