Lamezia Terme. Aleandro Baldi at the Tommaso Campanella High School

Lamezia Terme.  Aleandro Baldi at the Tommaso Campanella High School

Aleandro Baldi

An extraordinary morning in State Secondary School “Tommaso Campanella” Lamezia Terme, which had the pleasure of hosting an outstanding figure in Italian music and song.Aleander Baldi.

The headmistress received him and honored him Suzanne Mustari who did not hide his excitement in the presence of the singer; presence, which, as he emphasized, “allows us to continue in the ordinary Kermess – a meeting with the author – the path of education of feelings, the path that has always accompanied our school. A school that is a privileged place of several languages, the purposes of which tend to use a vocabulary that combines positive feelings around two fundamental lemmas: values ​​and respect!”

“Today – added the director – we are witnessing a kind of degradation as we are dependent on the clichés of indifference and unbridled and ephemeral nihilism; we are witnesses of the worst violence, we are deaf to the suffering of others, we have abandoned the struggle for freedom of thought and, bound by solitary personalism, we do not ask the question of what is good and what is bad. To celebrate the word, poetry, literature, music, body language is to give meaning, to give meaning back to the deepest reasons for existence.”

Not success… but passion, love“, the name that wants Aleandro Baldi who won the section in 1992 New offers With “Do not love me” piece offered at the beginning Alessandra Falleti AND Jade Spina and a high school choir under the direction of prof. Giovanna Massara and to the accompaniment of piano Simon Augustine.

The singer’s creative career is represented by Prof. Daniele Augrusorepresentative of the music high school who highlighted the international success achieved by Baldi over the years until it was reinvented Jennifer Lopez AND Mark Anthony. What follows is a song performed by Elena Ovlachi“Sola” and then give the floor to the guest.

“Not success… but passion, love is the name I chose because it represents the core values ​​on which my existence is based; success, as an end in itself, should not and cannot be the goal of our actions. Our actions should be determined by the passion and love we put into our business.– the artist repeated.

Strengthen This concept Baldi invites you to read A little princemost famous work Antoine de Saint-Exuperyaccording to the meaning it contains: “Book – he claims – about life, about love, about friendship. A book that encourages you to develop kindness, see with your heart, don’t dwell on appearances, and be surprised by little things.

Particular attention is paid feeling of friendship and the meeting with the fox resumes when the little prince realizes what it means to be friends”let yourself be tamed”, that is, creating connections that make a friend unique compared to all other people. “If you tame me – says the fox to the little princemy life will be illuminated

And the light that Aleardo Baldi radiated through his words was truly great; A simple and essential story who focused not on himself, but on the meaning of existence, on the importance of relationships and on the determination not to submit to market logic, but to keep his dreams intact.

Important messages was taken into account in numerous questions from students, to which Baldi responded with great enthusiasm and generosity. The occasion was favorable for also suggest a songreleased on numerous platforms last week by Simon Augustine“,September 14“; The performances of the singing class students ended Alessandra Falleti performed “Circle of Life”.

Day could not finish without listening to the songs that marked the entire creative career of Aleandro Baldi; accompanied by prof. Diego Apawho really wanted to meet, in the Auditorium the singer performed his most important hits, including a song dedicated to Don Milani and to Barbiana Schoolalmost as if emphasizing the social and cultural significance of the place where he received it.

In conclusion, the director, welcoming the welcome guest, thanked all the teachers who took part in organizing the event.

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