Landscape appeases businessmen gradually complaining about labor reform

MAZATLA.- Why should federal labor law reform be implemented gradually? Sergio Rojas Velarde, president of the Mazatlan National Chamber of Processing Industries (Canacintra), said the shift must be gradual because small and medium-sized enterprises are not ready to face the proposals currently under review.

He noted that several aspects need to be considered, including reduced working hours, increased bonus days and the recent increase in holiday days that has come into effect. He stressed that reducing the working day would force companies to replace the sixth day of work with extra staff.

The leader said the additional 52 days of pay would mean social isolation and must be analyzed carefully. Additionally, changing the bonus period from 15 days to 40 days would represent an increase that many companies cannot afford.

«If you are already planning to reduce your working days, add 52 working days, plus vacation days; the additional 7 days (bonus) means 84 days and must be increased by the minimum wage of 207 pesos. Workers earn nearly 17,000 pesos more each if they earn the minimum wage, but they can earn up to five times as much. There will be a lot of companies that won’t resist,” he commented.

Sergio Rojas Velarde
President of Mazatlanca Sintra

The head of Canacintra in Mazatlan mentioned that at the end of each year, the company must find a way to pay established bonuses, so an increase like the one proposed would be a heavy burden. He recommends making any changes gradually if deemed necessary.

Any suggestions?

Regarding the recommendations, Rojas Velarde advocated a detailed review of the reforms and their gradual implementation. He clarified that they were not opposed to changing the law that had not changed for 50 years, but insisted on the importance of working with the business community and reaching consensus to make adjustments.

To know

It is worth noting that the motion to amend the working day has been returned to various House committees to consolidate the conclusions of the Open Parliament in this regard, so the issue has not yet been resolved.

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