Launch of the “Donate Your Life: Bone Marrow” campaign – Central de noticias

The Municipality, through the Minister of Health, maintains a bone marrow awareness and information campaign. What are the steps to follow to register as a donor and what to do if you are compatible.

One in four patients who need a bone marrow transplant have a compatible donor in their family..Those who don’t have to turn to unrelated donors, like this Valentine’s Daya child born Severe congenital neutropenia, waiting for a matching donor.

Everyone registered with the Argentine registry has the right to donate to anyone on the other side of the world.This is because the principles of bone marrow donation are subject to The principle of international solidarity. Becoming a donor is a voluntary act that implies long-term commitment and responsibility, and the decision can be modified as needed.

Launch of the “Donate Your Life: Bone Marrow” campaign – Central de noticias

On Wednesday Central de Noticias revealed what Valentino is going throughA 2.5-year-old boy was born with severe congenital neutropenia and is awaiting bone marrow transplantation, the only available treatment. His parents shared a video on Instagram to raise awareness of the importance of being a bone marrow donor.

at the national level there are National MHC Donor Registry (Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells – Bone Marrow Transplantation)-). The registry operates within INCUCAI, the only national central coordinating institute for ablation and implantation. locally, You should go to the hematology department of the city hospitalas well as the registration of genetic analysis such as blood donation.

The process of becoming a donor is similar to donating blood. But prior consent must be submitted for genetic code analysis, and the results of the analysis will be uploaded to the registry’s computerized database.

After entering the data, If the patient has the same genetic data as the donor, they will be summoned from the registry. If there is no inconvenience in the health of the donor, the steps to be followed will be indicated.

this The necessary requirements to be able to register on the CPH Donor Registry are: Be between the ages of 18 and 40 (ID required); not have Hepatitis B or C or Chagas disease; not be sick; not have unprotected sex with a casual partner; not take IV drugs ; No recent (one year) tattoos, piercings, skin scratches, surgeries, endoscopies.

If genetically compatible, we contact the potential donor and reiterate their interest. If your decision is confirmed, the registry will coordinate a meeting with the medical team.

Currently, there are two methods of bone marrow donation that allow patients to quickly return to daily activities:

1) pass prick Iliac crest (hip bone) surgery is performed under general anesthesia and requires a one-day hospital stay for clinical control.

2) pass plasmapheresis, An outpatient treatment in which injectable drugs are injected into the arm for 5 days to stimulate the release of cells (CPH) into the bloodstream, where they are extracted from the vein.

Anyone wishing to register should contact the Municipal Hospital on 440800, ext. 2711. Dr. Paula Morales, referrer on our city’s CPH Donor Registry.

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