Loki 2, how much Disney spent on the new season of the series with Tom Hiddleston

The budget of the second cycle of episodes featuring the God of Mischief will be higher than that of films like Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor 2: The Dark World.

More than positive feedback from the public about Lokitelevision series by Disney and Marvel Studios, whose first cycle of episodes aired in 2021, prompted the filmmakers to highlight big budget for six new episodes that will be available worldwide starting October 6th.
Second Forbes, Loki 2 would require the use $143 million, a figure that makes TV productions with Tom Hiddleston more expensive than other Marvel titles that have also been designed for the room. Disney will spend more on shows than on movies like Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy AND Thor: The Dark World which, especially the first two, were successful with the public and critics.

Lokione of the most popular series in the MCU

Streaming is now a permanent reality, Disney is well aware of this and is determined to invest significant budgets in the products that have attracted the most interest from the public in past seasons. So it’s not surprising that the production has invested $143 million in a new series of episodes of the series. LokiTV show, which has since trailerpreviewed on July 31st, announced as one of the most interesting products of the fall season on the small screen.
Continuation of the adventures of the God of Deception, or rather, one of his variants, emerging from the facts Avengers: EndgameLoki from the series written by Eric Martin in collaboration with Catherine Blair is decisive character connect the storylines of different titles Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unsurprisingly, Victor Timely, another variant of Kang the Conqueror, reappears in Season 2.

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see also

Loki 2, in the trailer of the Marvel series also Ke Hai Kuan and Jonathan Ma

The most expensive is Secret Invasion

Although the budget disclosed Forbes For Loki 2 may seem high compared to other Marvel feature films, the show with Tom Hiddleston only second in value than production costs Secret Invasiontelevision series with Samuel L. Jackson and Emilia Clarke, which aired its season finale on July 26.
OUR $212 million From Secret Invasion weighs especially heavily on Disney budgets, given that the series was one of least seen ever (the views of the debut were also lower than those of the first series Ms. Marvel which is also disappointing.
According to commentators ForbesBye Secret Invasion was not intended as a spectacular series, the reason for such high costs would be due to actors cache. In fact, the cast also includes Olivia Colman, Don Cheadle and Ben Mendelsohn, all award-winning individuals who will be duly rewarded by the production.

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Secret Invasion, everything you need to know about the new series

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