Make eye donation a family tradition, says Dr. Parul Chawla

“If there are any changes in vision, an eye test should be done. “People must avoid looking at screens for long periods of time”

Dr. Parul Chawla, associate professor (cornea, lens and refractive services), PGIMER Advanced Eye Center, Chandigarh, said corneal blindness is the fourth leading cause of blindness globally. It is a visual disorder that occurs when the cornea becomes cloudy, scarred, or has any other infection, ultimately affecting the transparency of the cornea and rendering the person blind. Early treatment is critical to preventing some common eye conditions from causing permanent vision loss or blindness. If there are any changes in vision, a vision test should be done. People must avoid looking at screens for long periods of time and must also eat vitamin-rich foods to promote eye health, she added.

Dr. Chawla further said that organ donation is the greatest contribution to humanity. Not only does it save lives, it impacts and changes other lives related to the person receiving the organ. Often brain-dead patients are best suited for organ donation, and if harvested within a critical timeframe. Anyone can donate organs irrespective of caste, religion and medical status. However, people with metastatic cancer, HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, rabies, cerebral fever cannot become donors, she added.

After accepting “pioneer”, Dr. Chawla talks about eye care tips, corneal blindness, who can or cannot donate eyes, and eye donation drives at PGIMER, Chandigarh and more. Excerpts:

What advice would you give people to protect their eyes?

Eyes are one of the most important organs of the human body, and it is very important to protect them. People should eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise regularly, wear protective glasses, etc. They must have an eye exam at least once every six months. Eyestrain, dry eye, and other similar conditions can lead to serious illness if left untreated. Early treatment is critical to preventing some common eye conditions from causing permanent vision loss or blindness. If there are any changes in vision, we must have an eye exam. We must avoid looking at screens for long periods of time. We must eat foods rich in vitamins to promote eye health.

How many minutes of rest should your eyes take when using a computer?

Follow the 20-20-20 rule. One of the most popular tips for reducing eye strain is to take a break from the screen every 20 minutes and look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds or more. People blink less frequently when working on computers and smart devices. Every 20 minutes, blink slowly 10-15 times.

What is corneal blindness?

Corneal blindness is a condition in which the cornea (the clear front part of the eye) is damaged or opaque, which can severely impair vision or even lead to complete blindness. A silver lining for those suffering from corneal blindness is corneal transplantation, a procedure that can restore vision in many cases. However, there is a major challenge – the discrepancy between the number of patients needed and the availability of donor corneas.

What are the causes of corneal damage? When do you need to seek help immediately?

Corneal blindness is the fourth leading cause of blindness worldwide. It is a visual disorder that occurs when the cornea becomes cloudy, scarred, or has any other infection, ultimately affecting the transparency of the cornea and rendering the person blind. Some common causes are vitamin A deficiency, certain viral, fungal or bacterial infections, congenital disease or any eye trauma. Causes of corneal damage include damage to the outermost layer of the cornea, damage or scarring from other eye surgeries, infection, inherited corneal defects, and inflammation from chronic dry eye. You can consult an ophthalmologist if you experience symptoms such as severe eye pain; changes in vision; blurred vision; very red, watery eyes with objects stuck in the eyes; severe eye damage or trauma, such as a heavy blow to the eye. As part of a comprehensive eye exam, your ophthalmologist can check the condition of your cornea. The exam is easy and painless.

Can corneal damage be treated?

Many corneal diseases can be treated with prescription eye drops or pills. If someone has advanced corneal disease, they may need different treatments, such as laser treatment, corneal transplant surgery, and artificial corneas.

Who can or cannot donate eyes?

Anyone can be a donor, regardless of age, gender, blood type or religion. Anyone with cataracts or spectacles can donate an eye. People with high blood pressure and diabetes can also donate eyes. Eyes should be donated within six to eight hours of death. However, people with metastatic cancer, HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, rabies, cerebral fever cannot become donors. Donated corneas will be transplanted into the eyes of patients on the waiting list in priority order according to guidelines to avoid medical errors.

Can eyes be donated after death? What happens after you donate your eyes?

Since eye donation occurs after death, people can pledge to donate their eyes and register as a donor before they die. If a close relative wishes to donate an eye, written consent is required. Eyes must be removed within four to six hours of death. Donors do not need to be taken to the eye bank. Eye bank officials will visit donors’ homes at no additional cost. The age and sex of deceased potential donors, cause and time of death were recorded. The entire eyeball removal process does not delay the funeral and only takes 20-30 minutes.

What are the latest data on corneal blindness?

Corneal blindness has become a major medical challenge in India. Currently, about 1.2 million people in India suffer from corneal blindness, and the current number of transplant surgeries in the country is 25,000-30,000 per year.

What is the current situation of the supply and demand gap for PGIMER corneas?

At PGIMER, approximately 2,200 patients are waiting for corneal transplants, but the hospital can only obtain 400-500 corneas per year. At PGIMER in Chandigarh, an eye donation drive is being organized to create awareness among the public.Recently, during the period of 38th Tonight, National Eye Donation will hold a series of lectures on eye donation in schools, colleges and public places to promote eye donation. In addition, the school also organized activities such as painting competitions and article writing competitions on eye donation, and awarded prizes to the winners at PGIMER Advanced Eye Center, Chandigarh. Additionally, in collaboration with Chandigarh Lions Club Centre, eye donation messages were posted at prominent locations, including at religious places, to create awareness among the public about this noble cause.

Do you think myths are a major barrier to eye donation?

Although organ transplant programs have boomed over the past decade, there is still a lack of public awareness. Myths and superstitions are also common, posing challenges in gaining family consent. A common myth associated with cornea donation is that the deceased will be blind in their next life.

How many eyes are donated on average each year?

While the number of donated eyes has steadily increased over the years, during the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a sharp decline, largely due to some contraindications during the collection and transplantation process. In 2022-23, the eye bank collected 440 eyes and transplanted 355 eyes. In 2021-22, the eye bank collected 488 eyes and transplanted 333 eyes, while in 2020-21, the eye bank collected 132 eyes and transplanted 113 eyes. In 2019-20, the eye bank collected 600 eyes and transplanted 384 eyes; in 2018-19, the eye bank collected 806 eyes and transplanted 471 eyes. In 2012-13, the eye bank collected 306 eyes and transplanted 251 eyes. Eye donation can be enhanced by raising public awareness or understanding and overcoming barriers to eye donation.

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