Manuel Munoz: Infectious Mononucleosis

A disease that spreads through saliva, I’m surprised that cases haven’t exploded like an epidemic, they won’t deny me, they haven’t stopped spitting out all sorts of more or less successful comments since the kiss of happiness. Social networks are not enough to filter and digest the aftermath of Rubiales’ kiss.

The aftermath of this particular mononucleosis even caused the aforementioned mother to go to the temple, and from the temple to the hospital, what the hell! Of course, Judas made a bad investment, thirty coins for a kiss. The Rubiales affair has given us more play and more money, but also more confusion, and with so many opinions, can we draw any conclusions?

I have no doubt that mononucleosis is a febrile disease, no matter how high a fever a blessing or a damn kiss can cause. If we think about the word carefully, it is also possible to believe that the kiss of Rubiales is a typical disease of a group of monkeys. Indeed, humans have been a monkey for a long time, and sometimes it seems difficult to control the monkey inside us. However, do we have to stop at superficial, frivolous, vulgar, vulgar…? It is not too late to revert to our more sensible human condition and readjust our way of life to more serious standards. Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by media waves and opportunistic policies, as well as comments posted anonymously on social networks that create trends and sometimes even decadence. Is it that difficult to develop a critical awareness? Maybe it’s a lot to ask for, and you have to start by simply being aware of it. We will try to stay positive, and it may not take much effort from everyone, or at least those who believe that it is possible to sustain humanity with a certain level of awareness and awareness. .

Sometimes it works out of impulse, out of desire, out of immediacy, out of guts…it can give an answer right away, but it’s no luckier because of it. Granted, we don’t have to perpetuate ourselves in time as we sometimes do, but haste can sometimes lead us to draw the wrong conclusions. What a pity that all these judgments and even beliefs which we sometimes pour out have no possibility of being answered or corrected where necessary and certainly fair, without calculating the damage they may cause. Rubiales’ kiss is one of the many events that cause entertainment based on gossip, various quarrels, multiple WhatsApp jokes… illustrate the daily life of many people for whom further development is a terrible s hard work.

One must fill the existential void to the best of his ability, even at the cost of grief, pain and unfortunate events. Let’s put the brakes on, as that good marist and good math teacher used to say, though I was a bad student: “First you think, then you talk.” Rubiales and No one else knew my teacher.

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