maria teresa campos last minute

Respiratory failure: what caused Maria Teresa Campos to be hospitalized?Getres

reporter and host Maria Teresa Campos Since this Sunday he has been taken to a Madrid hospital with health problems “because of a photo” severe respiratory insufficiencyas reported by the health center itself via a statement.


The part, signed by medical director Javier Arcos, indicates that the 82-year-old Andalusian correspondent’s prognosis is reserved within the severity. We’re talking about a severe respiratory disease caused by a lack of oxygen.

as explained God Star Dr. Johnfrom the Spanish Society of Gerontology and Gerontology (SEGG):

“Over the years, it affects different ventilatory parameters in older adults, as well as the defense mechanisms of the lungs, all accompanied by ongoing environmental influences and different attacks on the respiratory system,” such as tobacco or infection.

Respiratory failure is “not a disease in itself,” but the result of a series of “specific processes” outside the respiratory system: heart disease, nerves, poisoning, and trauma. This condition can be acute or chronic:

  • Acute Respiratory Failure: Duration is limited.

  • Chronic: Manifests and develops over a few days.

However, the most common form of suffering from this disease is hypoxic respiratory failure, which is the result of a disease affecting the lungs, such as pneumonia, embolism, pulmonary fibrosis, or pulmonary edema.

Maria Theresa Fields

What are the symptoms of respiratory failure

Dr. Estrela emphasized that mild hypoxemia does not produce any symptoms, except possible hyperventilation. If more pronounced, the following signs and symptoms may occur:

  • Cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of oxygen in the blood)

  • Headache
  • spatiotemporal disorientation

  • incoordination

  • Mental decline

  • Mental retardation

  • irritability

  • anxiety
  • drowsiness

  • weak
  • tachycardia
  • hypertension

Diagnosis is by analysis of blood gases (gasmetry).


The goals of treatment “are to ensure patient oxygenation, maintain alveolar ventilation, treat causes and triggers of respiratory failure, and prevent complications,” such as:

  • Wear a mask to give oxygen.

  • Ensure adequate nutrition and hydration.

  • Temporary replacement of respiratory function with mechanical ventilation.

Any of these treatments are combined with treatment for the disease causing acute respiratory failure.

Archives – Maria Teresa Campos during the presentation of the 36th Andalusian Journalism Awards at the Palace of San Telmo

Respiratory failure, life-threatening?

It is a serious disease whose “prognosis and evolution is related to the emergence and management of potential complications of the disease or of the treatments administered”.

Respiratory failure requires urgent medical attention because lack of oxygen can trigger the failure of other organs such as the brain or heart.

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