meaning and risk. How to Protect Children’s Social Media Images

with the term exchange, coined in the US, refers to the phenomenon of parents regularly sharing content about their children online, including photos, videos, information about schools, centers and gyms, and even ultrasounds. This is a neologism that combines the words “share”, “share” and “education”, “education”. This is a practice that affects many adults, from ordinary people to celebrities such as the couple created Chiara Ferragni and Fedes, Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West (now divorced), to name but a few notable examples.

Sharing Warning: The Danger of Sharing Children's Photos Online

Sharing Warning: The Danger of Sharing Children’s Photos Online

in Italy

In our country, the code referring to confidentiality persons establishes that, with regard to his consent to the processing of personal data, a minor can give it only from the age of 14. Therefore, before reaching this age, consent must be given to those who have the right and burden of parental responsibility.

Possible dangers

Showing photos of your children on social media is a source of joy and satisfaction for moms and dads, however, you should be aware of the pitfalls and potential dangers that this online practice can entail for both digital identity and for the proper development of the identity of minors. personality, and subsequently the relationship between parents and children. Exhibit online photos and videos of minors – material that then permanently remains on the Web – may be associated with serious risks, such as actions cyberbullying and misuse of images for illegal purposesincluding child pornography. Also note the possible primer: Confidential information about children, such as their interests, favorite sport, school attendance, and daily routine, often posted online, can provide bad guys with useful elements for establishing intimate, sometimes sexual relationships.

Precautionary measures

It should never be forgotten that photographs of minors posted online can end up in the hands of individuals with dual goals. So it would be nice prevent children from posting audiovisual content online on their own, but it would equally make sense for adults not to share them on digital platforms. If you still want to continue posting content like the ones mentioned, it would be good to take some simple steps, also mentioned Guarantor of personal data protection, an independent administrative body established under the Privacy Act. Here are some tips: hide, blur or pixelate a child’s face so that it cannot be identified even with free software on the Internet; – cover faces with emoticons which you can choose from emoticons available on your phone or computer; – view image visibility settings in social networks, limiting them only to those who know each other very well. Other helpful tips are as follows: avoid creating accounts dedicated to your child or in any case to a minor; – carefully read and take into account the privacy policy of social networks on which videos, photos and so on are published; – ask yourself if your children, grandchildren or other children could be happy in the future, seeing their images available to everyone, or they could not agree.

Deutsche Telecom Campaign

This summer, an initiative put forward by telecommunications company Deutsche Telecom Raise awareness of the negative effects of sharing. The short film illustrates how artificial intelligence technology can now easily manipulate the appearance and voice of a minor. History is at the core She, a nine-year-old girl who was digitally altered to look like an adult and educate her parents on the importance of not sharing images and videos of her children via social media. Through Ella’s story, the possible detrimental effects of posting photos and videos of young children online are illustrated, from cheating to bullying at school to the distribution of child pornography. Some studies have shown that within 2030most cases of youth identity fraud will be caused by the exchange.

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