Medical schools protect and vaccinate their communities

Aiming to protect the community of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of MexicoOn October 25, the Department of Public Health (DSP) organized the first vaccination day jointly with the “Villa Álvaro Obregón” Family Medicine Clinic of the ISSSTE, coordinated by Dr. Andrés Quintero Leyra, Head of Academic Liaison at the Clinic, of the DSP and the ISSSTE CMF Dr. Héctor Téllez, who is also a teacher at our college.

In front of the clock and in the comprehensive first contact area, Interns who perform social services at the college and interns and residents in the family medicine clinic received 1,000 doses of influenza vaccine, 80 doses of measles-rubella vaccine, 200 doses of hepatitis B vaccine and 140 doses of tetanus vaccine.

Dr. Quintero Leyra emphasizes “The importance of this vaccination is to prevent diseases that can be fatal and in some cases lead to disability or chronic disease, so it is a very cost-effective measure to prevent and reduce people’s risk”. Furthermore, this is one of the state’s interventions to protect the health of Mexicans.

Photography: Adrian Alvarez

Through these types of connections, Public Health promotes reducing barriers to accessing health services in our communities.

The vaccination work was carried out in an orderly manner from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm without any incident.

Karen Hernandez

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