Men and women, Manuela Carriero is the new throne player

In anticipation of the launch of the new edition of the celebrity show “Men and Women” hosted by Maria De Filippi, Witty TV announced the names of three boys who will sit on thrones in search of love, among them Manuela Career.

Manuela’s career: “I would like love for life”

A life of sacrifice and a great desire to fight, Manuela Carriero opened her heart by getting naked. The new tronista told the story that led her to participate in the Canale 5 program: “I 34 years and I was born in Brindisi, in May, after the end of a very important relationship, because of which I suffered a lot, I moved to Rome“.

Tronista added: “I am a very reserved and shy girl, I am sweet, stubborn, caring, very generous even if I have nothing, super sensitive and super romantic. I read books about love, watch movies about love, and write love letters, but I still prefer facts to words.”

Men and women, Manuela Carriero is the new throne player


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The girl then focused on her past of hardships and difficult choices, from the death of her father at a young age to the economic problems of the family and newfound happiness found through sweat and effort. Manuela Carriero added: “Although I have had a difficult life, I will always thank my parents for giving me life.”


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