Mendo’s norovirus index was normal, indicating a malfunction at the treatment plant, Xunta reported

Mendo’s norovirus index was normal, indicating a malfunction at the treatment plant, Xunta reported

voice of galicia

Ethel Vázquez said only Viaqua asked for analytical data

December 1, 2023. Updated at 05:00 AM

The mayor of Betanzos, María Barral, published a week ago samples taken by Augas de Galicia in Mendo following the gastroenteritis outbreak in Betanzos at the end of May. The analysis of the data has reignited the debate about the origin of Betanzos gastroenteritis. question. However, Infrastructure Minister Ethel Vázquez confirmed that The results are similar to what is provided now and rule out that the presence of norovirus in the flow represents an anomaly. He also stressed that there is currently no agreement at European level to detect the substance in rivers. He noted that its existence has never been denied, but one person commented: It didn’t show any abnormalities or leaks.

“Mendo’s norovirus values ​​are normal, but ETAP is there for a reason,” he warned, stressing the importance of maintaining water treatment stations to avoid risks to the population. He insists the problem will be solved when the factory and supply pipelines are sanitized.Ethel Vazquez also emphasized Oza-Cesuras supply capture It is located downstream of the treatment plant, closer to the treatment plant than the Brigantine catchment, and whereor documented gastroenteritis problems.

The head of the infrastructure pointed out that samples collected in rivers such as Tambure River and Umia River, Compare After the Betanzos incident, the value they gave was Norovirus even higherbut no epidemic occurred, this problem is related to the water treatment process it works fine there. Also, remember that norovirus testing is not mandatory. “The mayor never asked me for information,” he said, alluding to accusations that Barral had concealed facts and saying the only people who requested the data were the concessionaires, but “Viaqua will not make any demands to the government“, it noted.

in conclusion

Ogas report states 16 samples tested positive Norovirus was detected in most samples from the Mendo and Rego Pequeno and Oza-Cesuras and Curtis wastewater treatment plants.It also noted that the University of Southern California Tambre and Umia 6 cases test positive. «In view of these results, we have reason to believe that the detection of viral RNA in rivers is not an unfortunate event; in the central and southern regions, 75% of norovirus samples collected within the watershed on June 13, 2023 The tests came back positive and no incidents or health alerts of any kind that may have occurred were recorded in these samples. “Some deficiencies or failures in the Betanzos ETAP disinfection protocol”, in conclusion.

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