Mental Health Day: How do you know if you have a medical condition?

This Tuesday, October 10th, world mental health day, and proceed with the goal To advance knowledge in this area, raise awareness and promote measures to promote and protect the well-being of all citizens of the planet.

As part of the celebrations, World Health Organization (WHO) let it know Despite being vital to overall human well-being, many young people and adults remain undiagnosed.

“One in eight people in the world suffers from a mental health problem, which affects their physical health, wellbeing, relationships with others and livelihood. In addition, an increasing number of adolescents and young adults are experiencing mental health problems.” World the health organization said.

but How do I know if my mental health is at risk?

“It’s hard to define where functionality ends and dysfunctionality begins,” says Alex González Grau, an experienced psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

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Likewise, experts have revealed some signs Characterizes the most specific and recurring mental disorders.


People with anxiety disorders experience a range of symptoms, including persistent worry, irrational or exaggerated fears (including fear of death, serious illness, or going mad), Feeling trapped or on the verge of a nervous breakdown, muscle tension, multiple aches and pains, inability to relax, and feeling faced with an overwhelming situation.

In addition, there are palpitations, chest tightness, suffocation, fear of death, dizziness, dizziness, excessive sweating, heat, cold, diarrhea, Clinical manifestations include itching, numbness of body parts, unexplained burning or stinging, need to constantly urinate, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, and inability to sleep..

obsessive-compulsive disorder

This disease is characterized by for existence Obsessions, compulsions, or both.

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“An obsession is an idea, image, or impulse that appears in the consciousness against the subject’s will, causing pain and taking up time. Obsessive-compulsive disorder refers to a behavioral or mental behavior that an individual is forced to perform against his or her will, even if he or she Or she thinks it’s ridiculous but can’t stop doing it,” Gonzalez Grau said.

According to therapists, people with OCD, May be afraid of contamination, leading to excessive hygiene of themselves and the environment.

“Other cases of OCD may present with constant doubts and checks, unpleasant intrusive thoughts (such as fear of hurting someone), a need to organize things perfectly, or sexual urges against one’s will,” the expert explains.


This medical condition can manifest itself in a variety of ways, and many times, The main symptoms are physical symptoms, which is called masquerading depression, and it is difficult to see the typical psychological symptoms.

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These physical symptoms are not just tiredness or tiredness, but include headaches, neck and back pain, and general aches; gastritis, changes in digestive system function, skin changes, susceptibility to infectious diseases, difficulty controlling blood pressure, heart palpitations, feeling of suffocation, fibromyalgia pain and a range of symptoms.

In addition, discouragement, irritability, difficulty experiencing happiness, changes in sleep, changes in appetite and weight, difficulty concentrating, Difficulty making basic and important decisions, low self-esteem, and thoughts of hopelessness, death, and suicide are often typical symptoms experienced by people with depression..

Alex González Grau concludes: “If you continue to experience these symptoms, or feel them in another person, this is a sign that evaluation by a mental health professional is needed.”

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