Mexico offers cure for hepatitis C in two months

Mexicans have access to hepatitis C testing, comprehensive care and free treatment that could potentially cure the disease within two months, the National Center for AIDS Prevention and Control reported Monday.

At the High-Level Interagency Meeting on the Elimination of Hepatitis C in Mexico, Alethse De la Torre Rosas, Agency Director General of the Mexican Ministry of Health (SSa), said there was a need to address the disease at all levels of the health sector, prioritizing first-contact medical care.

In addition, focus actions on prevention, timely diagnosis, linkages to health services and comprehensive care, using a human rights approach, centered on the individual and the community.

He also noted that coordination between the federal and state governments would help achieve the World Health Organization (WHO) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 to eradicate the disease, reduce deaths and eliminate stigma. Affects people with hepatitis C.

Liver disease is one of the leading causes of death in Mexico, particularly infections associated with hepatitis B and C viruses.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the virus responsible for the highest burden of disease and death globally, affecting nearly 71 million people. In Mexico, it is estimated that at least 5 in 1,000 people are infected with HCV, and most people are unaware of it.

At the meeting, Tzitlalli Medina Machuca, Director of Operational Research at Censida, said that Mexico has a system that centralizes epidemiological information, can monitor the traceability of supplies, and has statistics that help make decisions based on the health needs of the population. population.

Meanwhile, Brendha RĂ­os, medical program coordinator at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), stressed the need for “early attention to avoid serious complications” such as cirrhosis and liver cancer, which May occur when hepatitis develops. C. Not diagnosed or treated in time.

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