Michelle Renault Shares Nude Photos and Sends Message Against Beauty Standards

Michelle Renaud uses social media to send strong messages about self-esteem and beauty standards to women.

The Mexican actress shared some photos of her without clothes to emphasize her love for the body as it is and the need to stop those who strive for aesthetic perfection.

“Freedom comes from total acceptance of yourself. I want you to join me in saying ‘enough’ Renault started.

Immediately afterwards, the protagonists of soap operas such as “La reina soy yo” and “La Heredad” said:

“- We’ve had enough of feeling like we always have to change something about our bodies to stay healthy.

– Demonizing the cellulite we all have is enough.

– Stop thinking that stretch marks should be removed with a laser and instead think of them as a map of our body’s development.

– Enough lying to us, our insecurities will be undone in the operating room.

-Too many magic diets and drugs just make us sick.

– Don’t believe we need filters, Photoshop and tons of makeup to look beautiful.

-wasting our time and energy believing that we are wrong the way we are, instead of fully enjoying our bodies for what they are.

Finally, the 34-year-old translator emphasized: “One day, when you no longer want to achieve unattainable standards of beauty, stop doing things to please others, you don’t want to look like anyone, you can realize that you exist. The beauty and perfection of . . . When you look in the mirror and only see how beautiful you are, just like that, you will be filled with security that day and you will conquer the world. A woman who is confident in herself is attractive…that’s it…naturally. Let’s be generous with ourselves. “

Reynolds has received more than 30,000 likes so far, in addition to various supportive comments on her post in support of her body acceptance and admiration for her figure.

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