Mirtha Legrand is undergoing treatment to recover from health issues

this Friday The first program in 2023 has been recorded Mirtha Legrand’s NightIt will be broadcast on TV screens today at 9:30pm Thirteen.

Although everything went smoothly, the record for the start of the cycle was in question until the very last moment after the riders left. He is recovering from bronchitis that affected his voice..

Also read: Mirtha Legrand returns: one of the people who knew her best tells the secrets of “La Chiqui”

After leaving her studio in Martinez, the diva prepared to speak to the media and mentioned the situation that has been plaguing her in recent days. “The recording could have been paused, but I asked for it.””, acknowledges “La Chiqui”.

Mirtha Legrand breaks silence on her health (Photo: Instagram/lamezazarg)

Regarding his condition, he commented: “I have dysphonia“. When asked what treatments she was taking to improve, she said: “I’m taking antibiotics” and clarified that this was based on the advice of his doctor.

Before retiring, he left a message to his fans: “I love you, I adore you, and may we continue to be together for many more years.“.

The next guest on Mirtha Legrand’s show

Reporters stationed at the studio exit asked the diva who would be the next guest on the show. The historic host confidently asserted: “They’re all coming. Now Patricia (Burridge) is here.And then (Sergio) Massa“.

A perfect end to the calendar as the three presidential candidates complete the program before the election, which They will be held on October 22nd.

Mirtha Legrand returns to TV: photos from her return

He will return to our screens this Saturday at 9:30 p.m. No. 13 that night Mirtha Legrand, which will mean the diva’s return to television.The program Currently recording at Martinez’s studio Photographers captured the arrival of Rachki and some of her guests.

Mirtha arrived at the scene from her home in a car and did not address the media as she entered the scene. The driver took her daughter, Marcela Tinaire;His close friend, designer Claudio Corsanoand then they came Jimena Monteverdecircuit chef Pablo Cordevilla and one of the guests, Javier Mirethe presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza.

Mirtha Legrand arrives to record her first show of 2023 (Photo: Movilpress)

in the air tv night(eltrece)Mariana Mactas gives details before recording first show: “The first to arrive was Fátima Florez. He came early and he was here ready. She was accompanied by her makeup artist, her hairdresser, her father confessor, and she brought two dresses: one black and one white. “

Regarding the diva’s arrival on the set, the reporter commented: “Mirtha arrived an hour before the scheduled recording time, around 7:30 pm. She received a round of applause from everyone present.“.

Javier Milei and Fátima Florez kept their word and dined with Mirtha Legrand after her return to television. (Photo: Movilpress)

“Javier Milei had just arrived, just when the show had to be taped, and we saw the table setting, There are flowers everywhere“It’s very spring-like for these three guys,” McAtas continued to explain.

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