Montero and Berrara insist Hermoso’s post-kiss behavior didn’t ‘discredit’ her

Controversy over ‘Rubiales case’ continues video leak In the photo, Jeanne Hermoso was on the national team bus with other players, laughing and commenting on the kissing scene. On Wednesday, the two acting equality ministers, Erin Monterosuch as Minister for Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Berrarathey want to pronounce through their social network.

In both emails, both sides emphasized that, regardless of behavior The footballer “didn’t change anything” after accepting the kiss from the president of the Spanish Football Federation because he did not have the express permission of the player.

In the words of Minister Montero: “Don’t laugh, don’t cry, don’t dance, and don’t sleep. Nothing women do after experiencing sexual violence discredits the only thing that matters: without consent. The saying “if you’re okay, deep down you want to do it” is rape culture. it’s all over. You are not alone, Jenny,” Montero said on his X account (formerly Twitter).

Likewise, Ione Belarra commented, using her party mate’s tweets to support Jenni Hermoso: “After the attack, nothing you did changed What this is without consent. Attempts to smear victims perpetuate violence and are part of a system of impunity. It’s all over,” the social rights minister said.

what a powerful message the ministers are sending together we can After the video leaked.

In the same network it is also pronounced Javier ThebesThe president of La Liga, ensured that Rubiales “has damaged the dignity not only of Jeanne but also of Spain” with his attitude. Tebas added: “It’s not worth forcing national team players and looking at them or their violent reactions. they are innocent The image of Spain given by Rubiales”.

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