Movies based on books: 10 best about girl power

Annie Ernault: 2022 Nobel Prize winner in Literature's books turned into films

Through 10 films – the best, according to Amika – inspired by famous novels (from Pride and Prejudice To Event), exciting events, suffering, attempts by female figures to assert themselves, to find your own way or Loveimpose your own talent determination and intelligence, despite stereotypes and prejudices.

The question is usually: “Which is better: a movie or a book?” But why compare them? There is nothing stopping you from evaluating both versions. However, watching these films (or reading novels) is great advice for reflection and enriching your cultural background as a woman.

And realize how much the path to winning freedom of life and thought was and remains long.

“Pride and Prejudice” (2005)

Pride and Prejudicebased on the famous novel Jane Austenfilm, director Joe Wright – seen on Netflix – stars Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley), an individual who did not fit into the society of late eighteenth-century England: a time when the position of women was bound by hypocritical social conventions and class differences and women were forced to marry a man they didn’t love in order to “settle down”.

Her intelligence and irony manage to attract Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen), a rich gentleman, contemptuous and proud, not used to girls who think with their own heads. The iconic scene is Mr. Darcy’s marriage proposal, rejected by Elizabeth, taking place during a rainstorm. And what will actually create more passion.

“The Hours” (2002)

Watchdirector Stephen Daldry and adapted from the novel of the same name Liam Cunninghamrespect to the writer Virginia Woolf (can be rented on Prime Video). The stories of three women from different eras who sought to rethink their existence. 1923: Virginia (Nicole Kidman), a strong woman, but a victim of depression and her creative genius. 1951: Laura (Julianne Moore), pregnant with her second child, harbors a secret, sadness and a strong sense of imprisonment that she doesn’t want to show her husband. 2001: Clarissa (Meryl Streep), known to her friends as Mrs. Dalloway, is a publisher who lives in New York and wants to throw a party for her former lover Richard, who is suffering from AIDS.

Virginia Woolf’s teachings are unforgettable: “Love life at every moment, every moment, every hour. The rest is just minor details.”

“Out of Africa” ​​(1985)

Redford Strip, my Africa

Robert Redford and Meryl Streep in a scene from the 1985 film Out of Africa (photo by Ansa)

My Africaseven Oscar-winning director Sydney Pollackbased on the autobiographical novel of the same name by a Danish writer. Karen Blixen which describes his life on a coffee plantation farm in the Ngong Plateau of Kenya in the early 20th century. In the film, which is available to rent on Prime Video, – Meryl Streep plays Blixen, who, having arrived in Nairobi for a marriage of interest with Baron von Blixen, who makes her unhappy and makes her ill, lives a romantic and passionate love story with the hunter Denis Finch-Hatton (Robert Redford).

The dominant theme is Blixen’s deep connection to Africa, the local people and nature.

“Sylvia” (2003)

Silviafilm by Christina Jeffs (2004), inspired by Diaries From Sylvia PlathAmerican poet, born in Boston in 1923 and committed suicide at age 30, who talks about her changing states of mind and complicated relationship dynamics with husbandpoet Ted Hughes.

A symbol of the difficulty of balancing motherhood and wifehood with one’s own intellectual autonomy, the poet-writer was able to convey a sense of alienation through her art. We recommend reading the poems of Plath and Hughes before watching the film, which is available on Chili.

“Anna’s Choice – L’Evénement” (2021)

lAnna’s choice – L’Evénement (2021) Audrey Divan: a film based on Event From Annie Erno, Nobel Prize in Literature 2022 – seen on Sky Cinema and Now, Prime Video, Infinity, Chili. October 1963: A twenty-three-year-old student is forced to secretly terminate her pregnancy because abortion is still illegal in France.

This is a portrait loneliness Main character, about her search for solutions, about the clarity of doctors and inaction on the part of the student who got her pregnant. The only option is to do it in a hurry, secretly, suffering and risking death. The film and book are a symbolic representation of a page in social history.

“Wife, Life in the Shadows” (2017)

Wife, Life in the shadows, interpreted Glenn Close and from Jonathan Price and director Swedish director Bjorn Runge (2017), a film available to watch with a subscription to Now, Prime Video, Chili, inspired by the novel of the same name Meg Wolitzer. Joan Castleman, a devoted wife who contributed to the success of her husband Joe, an accomplished writer, for 40 years when he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Literature. she decides to say enough and get what she deservesperforming in all its worth.

“Right to Account” (2016)

Right to countbased on the book of the same name Margot Lee Shetterlyfocuses on the life of African-American mathematician, scientist, and physicist Katherine Johnson, who, along with two African-American colleagues, Dorothy Vaughn (an unofficial leader) and Mary Jackson (an aspiring engineer), collaborated with NASA on the Apollo 11 mission.

The three scientists, thanks to their outstanding abilities and hard work, become indispensable. overcoming the prejudices of their male colleagues (and white). The film, directed by Theodore Melfi and available with a subscription to Disney+, stars Taraji Penda Henson along with Octavia Spencer. Kevin Costner AND Kirsten Dunst.

the color purple” (1985)

violet, movie Steven Spielbergstarring Whoopi Goldberg – in Now and Google Play. The cast also includes Danny Glover, Margaret Avery and Oprah Winfrey. In the southern United States in the first half of the 20th century, Celia, an African American woman, decides to survive and never rebel, writing letters to God or her sister, from whom she was separated many years ago and in whom she believed. disappeared into thin air.

Film based on the novel of the same name Alice Walkerfocuses on female characters and is mainly dedicated to topics such as domestic violence, incest, racism and feminine courage.

“Julia and Julia” (2009)

Julie and Juliawritten and directed by Nora Ephron – seen on Netflix – with Amy Adams AND Meryl Streeptakes inspiration from books Julie and Julia. 365 days, 524 recipes, small kitchen From Julie Powell AND My life in France From Julia Child and Alex Prudhomme. The film parallels the experiences of Julie Powell and Julia Child in the 1950s. To escape the monotony of everyday life, twenty-nine-year-old Julie Powell decides to plunge into an eccentric project: experimenting. with all 524 recipes contained in the book, in 365 days. Mastering the art of French cooking Julia Child and blog about the experience. Instead, Julia, who has devoted many years to her monumental culinary and literary work, is looking for a publisher for her book. After many rejections, the book was published by Knopf in 1961.

The film focuses on the similarities between two women who, although distant in time, feel inferior, love challenges and they discover by cooking and recording the pleasure and purpose of their life.

“The Devil Wears Prada” (2006)

The Devil Wears Prada

Anne Hathaway in a scene from the 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada, directed by David Frankel. The actress plays Andy, assistant to the terrible and menacing Miranda Priestly (photo by Ansa)

The Devil Wears Pradadirected by David Frankel (available to rent on Prime Video and Disney+), starring Meryl Streep AND Ann Hataway, which grossed $326 million worldwide. the plot of which is taken from the novel of the same name Lauren Weisberger. Andy, an aspiring journalist, finds work as an assistant to the cynical Miranda Priestly (something like Anna Wintour, the formidable director Fashion USA), director Runways, New York’s most influential fashion magazine. Andy adapts to her boss’s whims because the job could open several doors for her in the future.

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Observing the fashion world through Miranda’s eyes, Andy, a sensitive soul, will understand how hypocritical and unscrupulous the system is and that The price of selling your soul to the devil is too high.


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