My situation will not be cystitis?

Cystitis is a common summer ailment and while it’s not serious in itself, it can ruin your vacation as the discomfort it causes can become quite uncomfortable.To find out what cystitis is, what the most common symptoms are, and how this common summer infection is usually treated, we spoke to MABO SALUD Spokesperson Dr. Carlos Herrero Gil.

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What is cystitis? What are its main symptoms?

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Its main symptoms include: pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequent and persistent urgency, burning or pain when urinating (dysuria), cloudy or strong-smelling urine, and in the most severe cases, blood in the urine (hematuria) In some cases, after urinating, the bladder does not feel completely emptied.

What is the most common cause of cystitis?

The most common cause of cystitis is a bacterial infection, especially Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria, which are usually present in the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria can enter the urethra and travel to the bladder, causing an infection. Other factors that may increase the risk of cystitis include sexual activity, obstruction of urinary flow, female menopause, and use of a urinary catheter.

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How is cystitis diagnosed and what medical tests are available?

The diagnosis of cystitis is usually based on an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and a physical examination. In addition, your doctor may recommend other medical tests, such as:

  • Urinalysis: A urine sample is checked for the presence of bacteria, white blood cells, and red blood cells.

  • Urine culture: Can identify the specific types of bacteria present and determine which antibiotics are effective in treating the infection.

  • Ultrasound of the urinary tract: Used to look at the bladder and kidneys, looking for signs of possible abnormalities or complications.

What is the typical treatment for cystitis?

Typical treatment for cystitis usually involves the use of antibiotics to fight the bacterial infection. The type of antibiotic and duration of treatment depend on the severity of the infection and urine culture results. In addition, pain medication may be recommended to relieve pain and discomfort associated with cystitis.

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What preventive measures can be taken to avoid cystitis?

To prevent the appearance of cystitis, the following measures can be taken: drink enough water to stay well hydrated, urinate frequently, do not suppress the urge to urinate, maintain good personal hygiene, especially after intercourse, clean the genital area from front to back after a bowel movement , avoid using stimuli that may disturb the balance of the bacterial flora, such as scented sprays or feminine hygiene products, and urinate before and after intercourse to help remove bacteria that may enter the urethra during intercourse.

Can it be confused with other diseases?

Cystitis has similar symptoms to other diseases, Such as urethritis, pyelonephritis (kidney infection) and certain sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis through medical examination and evaluation by a health professional.

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