New case of bird flu detected among sea lions in town of Camarones

In the last few hours they signed up New cases of bird flu among sea lions That happened in Patagonia, the National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (SENASA) reported this Tuesday.

The cases were detected in the town Shrimp, Chubut Province and also in Desired port, Santa Cruz.exist Radha Tilly Dead sea lions were found, and there were suspected bird flu.

It is worth noting that after the discovery of suspicious cases, SENASA intervenes An agreement was implemented with municipal and provincial authorities.

Then, after collecting the sample, Positive cases of this species were confirmed. In addition, areas for burial of sea lions have been identified to avoid contagion between animals or humans.

If animals become ill, they are tracked and monitored. However, SENASA stated that “Not completed Wild animals were neither sacrificed hygienically nor euthanized.”

Cases detected in the country

so far Avian Influenza cases detected in Puerto Madryn and Puerto Piramides, Chubut Province; Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands; Punta Bermeja, San Antonio Cister and Sierra Grande Nature Reserves in the province of Rio Negro; Necochea , Mar del Plata, Claromecó, San Blas and Mayor Buratovich Spa in Buenos Aires; Caleta Orli in Santa Cruz Caleta Olivia and Punta Loyola. In addition, there are recently discovered cases.

On the other hand, the agency clarified that Detection in marine mammals does not affect animal health Report to OMSA (World Organization for Animal Health).

argentina is considered free country of highly pathogenic avian influenza exist poultry.

Advice for Avian Influenza Cases

  • 🔸Avoid the entry and circulation of people and vehicles on the beach or affected spaces.
  • 🔸When a sea lion specimen appears, please do not approach it, and avoid direct contact or approaching by pets.
  • 🔸Avoid direct contact with wild birds, only watch from a distance.
  • 🔸 Do not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with wild bird secretions or droppings.
  • 🔸If you find animals showing signs of stress or death, please avoid direct contact and inform Senasa.

In the event of a suspected case, please notify SENASA immediately: On the following number (11-5700-5704) or by email to; also, reports can be made at the local office or by entering the “Senasa Notifications” application.

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