Nichols’ new film is a story about wild bikers

Sunny lands of the Midwest. 60s. Road movies on motorcycles. These will be the key points New film From Jeff Nicholsnot only the director, but also the script: Cyclists. The inspiration that then turned this idea into narrative material comes fromphoto book of the same name by Danny Lyon (1967), which centers on an American motorcycle gang called the Vandals.

Rise and FallThis is the line the director decides to follow to tell the story, mostly from Katie’s point of view, as she retraces what happened to them over the years. Cyclists was presented at the Telluride Film Festival on August 31st along with YouThe first trailer was released on September 6.

Briefly about the film

There synopsis: Katie (Jodie Comer), a member of the Vandal gang, married to a wild and brave biker named Benny (Austin Butler), charts the evolution of the Vandals over the course of a decade, from their time as a local club of outcasts united by fun, roaring motorcycles and respect for their charismatic leader Johnny (Tom Hardy). Over the years, Katie struggles to contain her husband’s wild nature and his devotion to Johnny, with whom she feels competition for Benny’s attention. As the vandals’ lives become increasingly dangerous and the club threatens to become an even more notorious gang, Katie, Benny and Johnny are forced to make choices about their loyalty to the club and each other.

20th Century Studios will release the film in America on December 1, 2023, andThere is no release date in Italian cinemas yet..


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