“No concerts at the Circus Maximus”

Colosseum archaeological park director Alfonsina Russo intervenes a day after rapper Travis Scott’s show, which drew more than 60,000 people.

Circus Maximus is a monument and should therefore be respected. For this reason, a positive opinion will no longer be given on the use of the territory for rock concerts. Colosseum Archaeological Park director Alfonsine Russo intervenes the day after rapper Travis Scott’s show drew over 60,000 people who danced and jumped throughout the evening, so much so that many complained about the earthquake effect caused by the show. “Given what has happened, including with regard to public safety, as well as the preservation and protection of the archaeological heritage,” Russo explains to AdnKronos, “we will give a negative opinion about such events. Personally, I believe that the Circus Maximus is a monument and as such it should be respected and should host only and exclusively certain types of concerts, such as opera, ballet. Musical performances, but not rock concerts, which, in my opinion, should be moved to specially designated places, that is, stadiums.

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The request for a concert venue, Rousseau says, “came in at the beginning of August, and the technical table was drawn up. We had reservations about this kind of event, and we gave a number of instructions, given that Rome is already occupied. In particular, the director of the Colosseum refers to two provisions that provide “not to exceed the decibel limit set by law and the fact not to incite the standing public to jump, which happened in Milan and caused the series These requirements were not met, in connection with which we sent a notice to Rome Capital with a request for urgent feedback in order to understand why they were not met, ”Russo concludes.

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