Not even a massive flu can defeat Los Chismosos

Consistency and effort.Two sentences to say Noelia Vega, Director of Los Chismosos, choose the murga that defines him. Carnival from Guia will hold its ninth edition in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,”A lot of desire and some nerves». Several new members have joined this year and the enthusiasm they bring has been passed on to the majority of the Mulga veterans. “There are a lot of people who have never been exposed to this kind of environment, and that’s a huge benefit for us,” the director said.

Los Chismosos are preparing to take the stage in Puerto Rico on January 30, with their guide in mind and a team of 41 members. The journey has not been without its bumps. Influenza also affects this group. “We suffered heavy casualties. From the last week of December to the beginning of January, the number of casualties was at the lowest level, with almost no companions.” However, this also means that in those rehearsals with few people, Noelia Vega occupied took the positive side and took the opportunity to perform other functions. “We have many members involved in other tasks that are only handled by the board and two or three people,” he noted.

41 components

  • history
    It was founded in 2014 and this year celebrates its ninth participation in the Carnival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  • director
    Noelia Vega Guerra

  • origin
    Santa Maria de Guia.

  • Palmares
    Second place in the apparel category in 2019 and third place in the apparel category in 2020.

Despite a short break due to the flu, the group’s recent rehearsals have been “really good.” «Everything is ready, now we just outline everything», explains the director of “Los Chismosos”. Murga welcomes its ninth carnival with the aim of enjoying and having fun. But Noelia was ambitious. “We have to improve ourselves and please the public. It would be better if we reach the finals, it would be better if we win awards,” Vega said.

This year, the 30-minute-per-song competition is back again. “This is what most people want, perfect,” he commented. When asked how she felt about this year overall, Vega was cagey: “I don’t know, everything is new and we kind of look forward to it». The director did see improvements in the artistic direction of Carnival in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. «It shows that there is a lot of desire, there is a lot more ideas. So this has spread to all groups and I think it is starting to spread to the Canarian people as well,” he reflects. «I think this carnival could mean the beginning of something important.. “This could be a turning point and start to grow again,” added Guía Murga’s director.

Los Chismosos count the days until they take the stage.

Arcadio Suarez

Vega, as always, faced the direction of the male murga with the same desire and attitude, and she was both looking forward to the approach of the preliminaries of the carnival murga competition in the capital of Gran Canaria, “Los Canavares del” nervous. Mundo’, today is Monday, January 29th.

The hardest thing about Murga

The “Los Chismosos” director joked that if she had to answer just one thing… she affirmed that for her, the most complicated thing about a group is the difficulties that arise along the way. «The most complicated thing is the stone that comes out along the long path You have to get over it until the final set-up,” Noelia said after thinking carefully about her answer.

Directing, belonging and being a Murguero is a challenge full of obstacles, but the goal is the same: to enjoy being on stage, make people laugh and give it your all. This is “a goal every murga should have” and one that Los Chismosos will undoubtedly hope to demonstrate this year under the guidance of Noelia Vega.

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