On February 22, 2024, bird flu broke out in Cambodia and Hong Kong

February 22, 2024

Cambodia A fifth case of H5N1 avian influenza has been reported, while Hong Kong health authorities are investigating a case of influenza A(H9) infection in a 22-month-old girl.

Cambodia’s latest case is a 17-year-old kampot, He is experiencing severe symptoms but is improving in intensive care. He had been exposed to dead chickens before becoming ill and measures are currently being taken to control the spread.

exist HongkongThe affected girl, who had no previous exposure to birds, is in stable condition and is being treated in isolation.

In Cambodia, the alert focused on Kampot province, specifically the village of Damnak Trop Khang Tbong, where a 17-year-old girl was diagnosed with H5N1 avian influenza, the country’s fifth case this year. The patient had been exposed to dead chickens and developed symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing, but his condition improved in intensive care at the hospital. This underscores the persistence of H5N1 in areas with frequent human-animal interactions.

The cases come as part of ongoing efforts by health authorities to contain zoonotic disease outbreaks amid global concerns about animal-human transmission. Collaboration among Cambodian ministries illustrates the importance of a comprehensive response that includes active case investigation, health education and preventive measures such as distributing Tamiflu to close contacts.

Additionally, in Hong Kong, the investigation of influenza A (H9) infection in a 22-month-old girl highlighted the ongoing surveillance of influenza virus variants. Although hospitalization was not initially required, the diagnosis emphasized the importance of early detection and isolation to prevent spread. The patient’s lack of direct contact with birds suggests that the transmission route deserves detailed attention.

Local Risks Cambodia

More information about avian influenza in Cambodia

  • The virus is endemic in birds and is excreted in large quantities in their feces. Although the risk to travelers is minimal, it is recommended to avoid direct contact with birds or their secretions. Cooked chicken does not spread the virus.
  • Status report:
    • 2024. From 2003 to January 28, 2024, a total of 64 cases Human influenza A (H5N1) infections, including 41 deaths. 2 cases in Siem Reap on February 8
    • 2023. In 2023, 6 human cases, including 4 deaths, were reported in Kampot (n=2), Prey Veng (n=3) and Svay Rieng (n=1) provinces. Since 2005, Cambodia has had 59 cases of H5N1 infection, including 40 deaths. 2 new cases in Kampot on November 28
    • 2023. In October, a girl died of H5N1 avian influenza in Prey Veng Province; in February, the H5N1 virus caused the death of a girl in Prey Veng Province
    • 2022. H9N2 in Siem Reap in March.
    • 2021. march. Siem Reap 1 child, 3 years old.

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