Only 24% of people have received the flu vaccine

coverage of Flu vaccination As of January 30, 2024, it remains at 22.68% Among the target groups, lower Registered at minorca In recent campaigns, since the 2022-2023 campaign Reach 43% 2021-2022 51.1%although it is important to remember The target group is higher this year Compared to the previous ones, due to the introduction of new groups such as minors 6 months to 5 years – 2,756 children – and smoker.

The balance of influenza vaccination in Menorca is 13,154 people vaccinated The target population is 54,669 people (24%), while the entire Balearic Islands has 174,245 people The number of people vaccinated against influenza increased to 722,580 from 166,215 last year, while the previous campaign targeted 459,981 people (24.11%).

Sanitation Committee, Manuela Garciaannounced on Thursday Balance and activity data and justify low vaccination rates this year. An increase of more than 260,000 people Population required to be vaccinated and «Boredom and pandemic fatigue». Garcia told a news conference that vaccination numbers had gotten a “boost” over the past 15 days when the decision was made to allow immunizations. No private appointment In primary care centres, consultants nevertheless believe that the movement This is not a failure. But if it is “Improveable», while showing his concern about the numbers.

In addition to flu shots, Salud also provides results from vaccination campaigns Vaccination against covid-19 As of the end of January, cumulative 10,793 people vaccinated Target population 36,745 (29.3%),as well as combined vaccination (combination vaccine against influenza and covid-19), to 9,668 people vaccinated Target population 36,745 (26.3%).

On the other hand, according to the latest epidemiological reports, Incidence of respiratory viruses come down for the second consecutive week in 231 cases Balearic Islands per 100,000 inhabitants. also, Global covid-19 incidence rates continue reduce The number remains at 7.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the same as for other respiratory viruses at 6.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.


The protection rate against bronchiolitis virus reaches 74.75%

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