Osakidza to decide after summer on new corona reinforcements

Health Minister Gottzo Sagardui.european news agency

Gotzone Sagardui, Minister of Health of the Basque Government, announced that Osakidetza will decide from september,depending on Standards and recommendations developed by expertsif you start an event Inject a new vaccine booster Coronavirus disease.

If a decision is finally made to give a booster shot as it did last year, This will be given along with the annual flu shot.

In an interview with “Euskadi Irratia”, Sagadui admitted that the data of the evolution of the new crown virus in July revealed Increased incidence of virus in Basque country compared to previous months. However, the counselor emphasized that The situation is “entirely different” compared to previous years.

flu-like ups and downs

“Fortunately, the situation has nothing to do with that,” Sagardui said, noting that while the number of infections had increased, they hadn’t had “the same impact” on the population because in fact Vaccines ‘more protected’ As the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the risk of the new variant currently circulating to be “very low,” it may have been infected in the past.

The head of the Basque government’s health department explained The rise in cases detected in July was part of a backdrop of “ups and downs” similar to what happens with other viruses such as influenza. As mentioned earlier, in the context of the new crown epidemic, these fluctuations may continue for months and even years to come.

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