Folder+ | Tricky Areas – DNA

Advertisement – LB2 – Although all signs indicate that the election on the 24th will be an electoral feast for Morena, there are also some tricky areas in the village. let’s see. In Federation Area 01, the lord and master is still Daniel Murguia, without … Read more

New Call of Duty tips to fight cheaters

call of Duty has announced a new update to its Ricochet anti-cheat system that will automatically deactivate cheating players’ parachutes so that they fall vertically at the start of the game, increasing their fall speed if a parachute has been deployed. The feature, called Splat, … Read more

Which beaches in Rio Negro remain closed

inside rio negro coast continue alarm For the following situations Avian Influenza In marine fauna.Upcoming summer The provincial crisis committee is meeting this week to analyze the situation. In light of the outbreak of avian influenza cases, particularly the impact on sea lions, Rio Negro … Read more