Pharmacist debunks the most common lie told by all mothers in Spain


Janelle Manzanas

  • Janelle Manzanas
  • Graduated in marketing and is an expert in digital marketing. Edited by OK Diario. Experts on curiosities, pets, spending and the Christmas lottery.

How many times has your mother told you Don’t go barefoot because you’ll catch a cold? Well, actually, as well-known TikTok profile @farmaceuticofernandez explains, this is a false myth.

Some users support the idea that walking barefoot can cause colds, thereby supporting what their mothers and grandmothers have always told them. However, Others say they have been living in deception.

@farmaceuticofernandez You won’t catch a cold when you walk barefoot #farmaceuticofernandez #farmacia #farmaceuticofernandez #salud ♬ Original Sound – Farmaceuticofernandez

Colds are a particularly common disease in autumn and winter. To have a cold, the following conditions must be met: The virus enters through the mouth or nose and deposits in mucous membranes. The virus is spread through small droplets of saliva excreted when a sick person talks or coughs. Also, if you touch a surface contaminated by these droplets and then put your hands over your mouth or nose.

According to him Valencia Podiatry Institute “Walking barefoot is beneficial and advisable in all months of the year, even in winter.” Of course, he points out, “cold causes vasoconstriction in the nasal mucosa, resulting in a decrease in the number of white blood cells that serve as a barrier to bacteria.”

He offers the following advice for the cold season: “Because of our shape, The feet are the farthest place from the heart And the blood supply doesn’t flow the same way as other parts of the body near the heart. The best advice is to wear warm clothing, such as wool or cotton socks, and avoid other fabrics.

How to prevent colds?

first, Choose layers of clothing that are well-dressed. The first layer of thermal underwear is used to retain body heat. A second layer of insulating clothing, such as a sweater or jacket. There is also a third layer of outer clothing, which is like a coat.

Of course, you must Avoid direct contact with people with colds. Maintain an appropriate distance when interacting with them. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, taking at least 20 seconds.

at home, Ventilation is the key to renewing the air. Open your windows for 10 minutes first thing every morning. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, follow a healthy and balanced diet, and get physical exercise.

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