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Love triangle, lots of teen drama and turmoil, and a great youth fashion archive of the nineties. Pacey and Hawaiian shirts, Dawson and an overshirt that can be worn over a shirt, paired with khakis, Jennifer and pastel cardigans with floral dresses, Joey and tomboys, but also panamas and overalls, high-waisted jeans and ribbed T-shirts. Summing up; the classic image of the girl next door, those who have little faith in themselves but eventually make friends/lovers capitulate through their sincerity. In 2018, the boys of Capeside gathered to celebrate twenty years since the release of Kevin Williamson’s acclaimed teen drama that features teardrops on its pages. Entertainment weekly. And today? “We are thinking about it” bodes well Katie Holmes who is the guest woman on the move at the last Cannes Film Festival, he talked about the possibility of a reboot of the series. Of course, now everything needs to be rethought, starting from relationships, with dawson’s bay which offered a cross-section of a certain generation, one who at the end of the millennium, whose experience was still direct, without the filter of the Internet and social networks – fashionable. And then, in that sense, a ribbed tank top with high-waisted jeans is still good, right?

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