Piura: Respiratory infection kills 7 minors, cases exceed 1,600

worry. Pneumonia figures have killed seven minors in the Piura region, and cases among the most vulnerable age groups have surged to more than 1,600. So far this year, 1,620 cases of pneumonia have been recorded in children under 5 years old, while in 2022 there have been 1,476 patients infected with the virus. As for adults over 60, 1,889 will become sick in 2023, 500 more than in 2022.

César Guerrero, an infectious disease specialist at the Ministry of Health, explained that cases that lead to pneumonia usually start with a common cold. Likewise, he noted that 71% of cases occurred in infants aged 2 to 11 months. The remainder consists of children aged 1 to 4 years old.

“When we talk about acute infections, we are talking about pharyngitis, colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. According to Piura, as of 2022, there were 1,476 cases of pneumonia in children under 5 years old. By 2023, we already had 1,620 deaths, 7 of them unfortunately: 4 in Surana, 1 in Piura, 1 in Huancabamba, 1 in Yamango. 71% (cases) were between 2 and 11 months old, 29% Between 1 and 4 years old. Among people over 60 years old, 1,338 cases of pneumonia were reported in 2022 and by 2023 there will have been 1,889 cases of pneumonia.” Infectious disease experts are profiled in detail.

These cases are often exacerbated by poor recognition of warning signs, which can be done at home to determine the progression or severity of the disease. According to the doctor, “What we need is surveillance and good information from health workers,” So that parents can stop this dangerous disease that attacks the lungs.

“Because many people start with a mild cold, but what’s missing is follow-up (from patients) because then things get complicated. If I see my child still has a fever but it subsides on the third day , then we are doing well. But if you have a fever on the first day, cough more, start breathing faster, and your “ribs” sink when you breathe, these are warning signs. “They must take (the child or the elderly) to medical care immediately center,” Cesar Guerrero warned.

Another issue contributing to the increase in cases of acute respiratory infections (HAIs) is lack of information and misinformation about childhood vaccination controls. In view of this, the expert believes that the Ministry of Health should take the lead in promoting the importance of vaccines, especially in schools.

“Misinformation persists but the Ministry of Health has to come forward and forgive the debt. There is a lot of talk about COVID-19 vaccines right now and people are extrapolating that, that is, they think what happens with some vaccines will happen with all types of vaccines.” On vaccines. Talks should be held in schools. “The Ministry of Health must have this capacity again. “recommending infectious disease experts.

Doctors are also advising people to resume the use of masks, preventive distancing and hand sanitizing with alcohol to limit the spread of the airborne disease.

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