Pixar, Jennifer Lawrence and De Biasi’s monsters are back in theaters

There is no shortage of interesting cinematic releases on the first day of summer 2023. June 21 is the expected release date for the new Pixar movie. Elementals, which, after a preview at the Cannes Film Festival and a disappointing US debut, is attracting Italian and European audiences. Will the seemingly impossible romance between the flamboyant Amber and the watery Wade draw audiences to the theater or will audiences prefer to switch to something else? Maybe a comedy starring Jennifer Lawrence? Oscar-winning actress returns to cinema girlfriend for rentwhere she plays an impoverished Uber driver who answers an ad from a wealthy couple looking for a young woman to care for their shy 19-year-old son, helping him discover his social and family relationships.

Then there is monster marriagecontinuation monster family directed again by Wolfango De Biasi. The fantastic comedy, which stars Massimo Gini and Paola Minaccioni among others, will not have Hollywood budgets of millions, but it has a lot of good ideas, creativity and, above all, it enjoys the support of Cinema Revolution, which reduces ticket prices for everyone to 3 .5 €. The same goes for innocent man, release June 22. The film, directed by Ivan Gergolet, is a drama starring Valentina Carnelutti, Livia Rossi and Branko Zavrshan.

Horror film completes releases Piper AND Huria – Voice of Freedomacclaimed Algerian film directed by Munya Meddur and starring Lina Khoudri as a young woman whose dreams of becoming a ballerina are shattered by a traumatic event only to find herself in the sisterhood of a group of similar women.

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