Pope Francis visits Rome hospital with flu

he pope francisco He went to Gemelli Hospital on Tiber Island todayAfter a medical visit in central Rome, he explained on Wednesday that he still had a cold and had previously reported that he had the flu.

In this hospital, there is a central headquarters, The parents admitted that he had gone for a computed tomography (CAT) scan on another occasion while suffering from bronchitis.

According to Italian media reports, Francesco arrived in the city center in his usual vehicle and returned shortly after.

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Today, the Pope held a public audience in front of thousands of people. Paul VI Classroom in the Vatican, but said he was still a little cold and wanted to have the Catechism read by a collaborator.

“I still had a bit of a cold, so I asked Monsignor (Filippo) Ciampanelli to read the catechism,” the pope said. He came in a wheelchair to the Paul VI classroom where the audience was.

Nor did he read out the bishops’ speeches at the audience. The Armenian Silesian Patriarchal Church received the public.

Last Monday, the Vatican reported that “mild flu-like symptoms persisted, although there was no fever,” but planned hearings had been suspended as a precaution.

The pope did celebrate the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer on Sunday, leaning out of the window of the papal palace and reciting it in a good voice before thousands of worshipers gathered. Peter’s Square in the Vatican.

At the end of November, the Pope fell ill with bronchitis and had to cancel some events. He celebrated the Angelus privately and had a collaborator read the speech instead.

In order to allow himself to recover, the Argentine pope canceled his planned trip to Dubai for a climate summit in early December.

But later he fully recovered and even On December 8, he went to the Plaza de España to pay homage to the Immaculate Conception in the traditional way.

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