Pope to preside over all Christmas celebrations after overcoming bronchitis

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis, who has just recovered from bronchitis, will preside over all Christmas liturgiesThe Vatican confirmed today that it would begin with the celebration of Midnight Mass inside St. Peter’s Basilica.

Mass will begin at 7:30pm Italian time (6:30pm GMT), as has been the custom in recent years, rather than waiting until midnight so that the faithful can dine with their families. The Pope will preside over the ceremony and read the homily from one side of the altar, the Holy See explained in a statement.

After the Eucharistic Celebration, Pope Francis will sit in a wheelchair and carry the Baby Jesus in procession to the birthplace Installed inside the Vatican Basilica, 10 children representing the five continents will place flowers in front of the manger.

On Christmas morning, Jorge Bergoglio will once again appear on the central balcony of the loggia of the Vatican Basilica at 12:00 noon (11:00 GMT), just as he did on the day of his election, as in previous years The same focus is on reading the Christmas message.On the evils and wars of the world and sending blessings “Urbi et Orbi” (To the City of Rome and the World).

We invite you to read: Pope says his bronchitis is ‘much better’ but still gets tired after speaking for long periods of time

First Vespers will be celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica on the 31st at 5:00 pm (4:00 pm GMT), and on January 1st the Holy Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated, in conjunction with World Peace Day.

The Christmas celebrations will end with an Epiphany Mass in San Pedro on January 6 at 10:00 am (9:00 GMT).

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