Prenuptial agreements signed by the stars: some are going crazy

Some celebrities’ prenuptial agreements are just crazy. Find out the details of some of the most incredible terms signed by the stars.

Behind the scenes of a seemingly perfect wedding, many stars make sure they are protected by the gods. marriage contracts which could be incredible. From unusual articles To strange requests AND very expensivecelebrity prenuptial agreements often reveal a reality quite different from what we expected to find.

Signing the marriage contract –

Find out about some of the most surprising prenuptial agreements between movie stars, music stars, and more. Extraordinary numbers AND special quibbles they will leave you speechless.

Marriage agreements of stars: let’s look at the most private ones

  1. Kate Middleton and Prince William

The royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton kept the whole world on edge. However, few people know that the couple has a rather unique prenuptial agreement. In case of divorce, Kate will receive one fixed monthly pension until the next wedding. Moreover, the children will stay with their father.

  1. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

The very strong couple of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones has always been very good. cohesive and, despite the large age difference, they have been married for 23 years. However, they also signed a prenuptial agreement with a rather bizarre clause. In case of divorce, wife Ekaterina has the right to receive million dollars for every year of marriage, but only if he behaves well.

  1. Beyonce and Jay-Z

Singers Beyoncé and Jay-Z are one of the most famous couples in the music world. According to their very expensive prenuptial agreement, if the marriage were to end, Beyoncé would be entitled to receive $15 millionoutside 5 million for each child that the couple is together.

  1. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban also entered into a prenuptial agreement that provides a significant benefit in the event of a divorce. The contract requires Keith to pay Nicole. $640 thousand for each year of marriage in case of separation.

  1. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel included an unusual clause in their prenuptial agreement. If Justin had to betray Jessica, you’ll have to pay the amount 500 thousand dollars.

In conclusion, celebrity prenuptial agreements often reveal a whole world of clauses and conditions that you might not expect. Though they may seem so incredibleshow how determined the stars are to protect their financial interests and ensure that their love will last long. These contracts remind us that even in the world of Hollywood fairy tales there are always two sides to a coin.

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