President Erdogan heads to Saudi Arabia to attend the summit on Gaza; I don’t want to crush your hopes, but…

* Fahmy Koro

President Tayyip ErdoganWho will gather there? Organization of Islamic CooperationToday, he heads to Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to attend the eighth extraordinary summit of…

Organization of Islamic CooperationThis extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation addresses what is happening in Palestine.

The creation of the organization was also based on such an event.

An extremist Jew in Jerusalem Al-Aqsa MosqueHe tried to burn it, and this incident sparked great reactions in the Islamic world.

After the incident that occurred on August 21, 1969, King of Saudi Arabia Faisal He took the initiative to mobilize the Islamic world, and on September 25, 1969, a month after the burning of Al-Aqsa Mosque, he began work in Jeddah, the capital of his country at that time, which later became his name IIC. Organization of the Islamic ConferenceHe was the pioneer of establishing the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

King FaisalIn the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 –Yom Kippur WarAfter the United States provided material and moral support to Israel, it used its influence on the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC) to ensure that oil would not be sold to countries that supported Israel in the war.

The oil embargo shook the West.

There are important initiatives in the history of Saudi Arabia, such as pioneering the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and supporting the Palestinian cause using the oil weapon.

President ErdoganThis historical background may have had an influence on his decision to go to Saudi Arabia to attend the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit.

During his return from Uzbekistan, he told reporters on the plane that the main topic of the summit is what is happening in Gaza. President ErdoganHe also gave the impression that he would offer cooperation against Israel to the leaders of the Islamic world whom he would meet there.

Our newspapers reported that the Syrian President, who announced at the last minute that he would attend the summit, Bashar al-AssadHe seems more interested in the possibility of meeting with him. Erdogan with Happiest They have not met since 2011, when the civil war broke out in Syria. Meanwhile, the two leaders are also known to have expressed negative opinions about each other several times.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi There was a similar situation with and Erdogan with Sisi They shook hands and met during the World Cup in Qatar.

Why doesn’t he meet with Assad this time? you must think.

It aims to announce to the world once again from Riyadh its insistence on stopping the Israeli attacks that caused the death of many children and women in Gaza. President ErdoganWe understand from the plane’s speech.

agitationThe President’s approval to release Palestinian detainees and prisoners in Israeli prisons, in exchange for the release of the hostages he holds, the whole world, like us, President ErdoganHe learned this from his speech on the plane returning from Uzbekistan.

Now business agitation It seems that it is up to Israel and Israel to discuss this issue.

OIC member states, some of which have recognized Israel diplomatically, might also be seen as using their rapprochement to mediate.

If the matter is considered and an expectation is formed in this regard, this does not seem very possible to me.

The reason is the fact that almost all countries that can mediate have a hostile attitude towards Hamas, even if their relations with Israel are friendly.

Especially in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf countries agitationIt is the Palestine branch Muslim brothers One “Terrorist Organisation” It is evaluated as.

In those countries Muslim brothers Sometimes people suspected of belonging to the organization end up in prison without being interrogated.

President Erdogan while, Mother-in-lawFrom s and therefore Muslim brothers‘to “Terrorist Organisation” not, agitation The militants one after another “Liberation fighter” He thinks so.

How can common ground be found with these conflicting views in Riyadh?

Both parties will try to impress each other using the ease of being together.

This difference of opinion is why I doubt that a strong common policy regarding Gaza will emerge from the summit…

As far as I can see, Israel can wage war recklessly with the courage it gained from turning the problem into a Gaza-Hamas problem.

(Initially, the problem was known as the “Arab-Israeli problem.” During the years of Yasser Arafat, the name of the problem changed to “the Palestine-Israel problem.” Now the new name of the problem is “the Hamas-Israel problem.” Over time, Israel was able to significantly reduce the front against it.)

I hope, despite my negative expectations, that the Riyadh summit will produce a positive result that will end the madness of war.

This article is taken from Fahmi Koro’s personal blog.

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