Protect your eyes during holidays

traveler’s disease are caused by microorganisms, e.g. bacteria, Virus anyone Parasite They are often spread when we travel abroad, and some of these diseases can seriously affect the eyes and damage eye health.

The Fernández-Vega Eye Institute (IOFV), aiming to promote prevention and eye care during summer travel, has come up with a series of recommendations to avoid these diseases.

Dr. Luis Fernández-Vega-Felgueroso, a specialist ophthalmologist at the above-mentioned institute, said that there are many factors that can damage eye health in summer, such as sunlight, water or sand.

In addition to these factors, the ophthalmologist added about traveler’s diseases: “When we travel to certain areas abroad, we may be exposed to diseases that directly affect our eyes and vision, which is why we must always take care of our eye health.”

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From onchocerciasis to trachoma. Some travel illnesses that can cause eye redness and irritation include measles, mumps (a viral infection that affects the salivary glands), rubella, chickenpox, and Zika virus. However, onchocerciasis, trachoma, and infectious conjunctivitis are the three most common illnesses that affect our eyes among travelers.

1. Onchocerciasis or river blindness. It is spread through the bite of an infected black fly. Eye effects can range from mild visual impairment to complete loss of vision. Precautions must be taken, such as using repellents and wearing protective clothing in areas where the disease is endemic, such as Brazil, Venezuela and Africa.

2. Trachoma. It is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye. Its transmission occurs through direct contact with previously infected ocular secretions. The condition is more common in areas with poor sanitation and in Africa, where approximately 85% of the affected population lives.

3. Infectious conjunctivitis. It is usually caused by viruses and bacteria in unhygienic areas. “The contagious period is 7 to 14 days and can be spread simply by covering your eyes with your hands after touching a surface or object that an infected person has touched before,” said Dr. Luis Fernández-Vega Cueto-Felgueroso.

Prevention is crucial to protecting our vision. “Prevention is the best tool to protect our eyesight as we explore the world,” explains experts from the Fernández Vega Eye Institute.

Therefore, experts recommend: pay attention to hygiene and wash hands frequently. Use approved eyeglasses with sun protection UV filters.

Do not share towels, sheets, clothing, cosmetics or facial sunscreen, especially if infection is suspected. Avoid rubbing your eyes. Minimize sun exposure as much as possible.

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How to prevent eye sequence?

In order to prevent dry eyes, environmental factors such as the use of air conditioners, sun protection, and wind protection must be controlled. Blink often.

Limit screen time on your computer, phone or tablet and give your eyes regular breaks. Wear contact lenses only when necessary. Sleep right. If you notice signs of eye disease, the center recommends seeing an ophthalmologist.

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