Public Health and Savings organizes vaccination campaign at PLAZA 25 DE MAYO in Resistencia

Public Health and Savings organizes vaccination campaign at PLAZA 25 DE MAYO in Resistencia

The theme of the day is to raise awareness about the importance of vaccinations to reduce the risk of contagion from respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and flu

The Ministry of Public Health of Chaco, through the Expanded Program on Immunization (PAI), supports the initiative of the Argentine Association of Vaccines and Epidemiology (SAVE) called “La posta es vacunarse”, which aims to increase awareness and vaccination campaigns across the country.

The event in Chaco, held in the morning of Monday, 28th, at Plaza 25 de Mayo in Resistencia, aims to raise awareness and the importance of vaccinations to reduce the risk of contagion for respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, influenza and coronavirus – 19.

Throughout the day, the target audience for these vaccines received 150 doses.

Antonieta Cayré, SAVE board member and member of the Chaco PAI team, said: “Initiatives like this allow people to have access to clear and accurate information about respiratory diseases.” Vaccines for Covid-19, Influenza and Pneumonia”.

Juan Manuel Colombo, coordinator of the awareness post, reported: “In this space, you are invited to participate in games to be able to educate and raise awareness about the symptoms of respiratory illnesses and to Know who is at risk and who is at risk for respiratory disease.” Vaccination is recommended.” He concludes that in the process of education, awareness, and vaccination, “the importance of taking action in favor of your health and taking care of yourself “.

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