Red Tuna: A Noble Fruit Rich in Antioxidants and Minerals

  • Uncommon fruit in the Chiapas diet, but with excellent properties

Lucia Trejo/Chiapas Journal Correspondent

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. In recent days, supply centers, markets, canasteras in Tuxtla Gutierrez offer tuna of different colors and flavors.
It’s not a common fruit in the Chiapas diet, or they don’t know about its nutritional properties, which are good for our health.

For example, one variety was less sweet than the green variety, but had strong antioxidant benefits.

To learn about the varieties of this Mexican fruit, Chef José Bossuet Martinez tells us about its use in local cuisine and its varieties in an exclusive interview.

He explained that red tuna is not traditionally consumed and, therefore, is not usually consumed or bought, but he did not rule out its great contribution to healthy living, describing it as a “noble fruit”.

98% is consumed domestically and the rest is exported. He also commented that the biggest volumes are in the states of Zacatecas, Mexico and Puebla.

Bozue Martínez pointed out that a species of red tuna is farmed in the state of San Luis Potosí, which is endemic to the region and is called “Cadona tuna”, but it has a specific characteristic: it is small and oval in shape Less, lighter red.

Also, there is a type of tuna known as soconostle, which is often served with lemon and hot sauce due to its sour taste.

The cactus is in season from April to November, but its peak production and harvest is from July to September, so commercialization of the fruit is common at the moment.

Chef clarified that about 2% of exports is equivalent to 50% of global production because after our country the other producers are:

USA, Italy, Israel, South Africa and Chile.

Tuna was historically endemic to the American continent and was introduced to Europe through Spanish, from Latin etymology, “tuna is the fig of America” ​​or “savage” because it has spines.

One of the confusions is dragon fruit.

Also, it’s very low in calories, so it’s often needed in all kinds of diets: tuna by nature is usually high in fiber, which is why they shouldn’t be eaten in excess, as it affects our digestive system, oddly The most important thing is that tuna are antacids and can protect the gastric mucosa, that is, they can minimize gastritis problems.

Also, it prevents diseases like cancer and for diabetics it is very noble as it does not contain much sugar and can be consumed without eating anything.
question. It contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.

The cost of red tuna in the market is 20 pesos per kilogram.

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