Britney Spears in 2007. The year did not manage to see the paparazzi, and next to the Mercedes stood the most beautiful and photographed cars. Since 2011, I have never been to the museum or even know how “Britneyjin auto” is in the garden until a small amount of dollars is received, as well as a new owner.
Now you can enjoy the paparazzi photos that Britney ordered you in various relationships with someone, but nothing was good. Pa yako je pjevačica taj dio svoga života ostavila iz sebe jedna od spomena na tu eru je resta i nalazi se u Volvo Auto muzeju u saveznoj javi Illinois. Riječ je o Mercedes-Benz CLK350 2006. Enjoy the fact that you got the red color, and this is such a post once and the most beautiful photos of the cars of famous people and your exploits. Besides TMZ, you can read more about what you’re talking about. If you don’t know what’s going on in the Los Angeles area, you’ll see Britney like this and never hear about it again. . Once you see the camera, you will be able to see the paparazzi or the paparazzi as the car must be covered without any warning.
The last 12 years ago, the iconic Mercedes could see and review what was last year in the Volvo Auto Museum, and a garden that was not full of urine and fuss. Now, after finishing 70 minutes of water, you will find the amount of money you need and you won’t have to wait for it. But this does not mean that Mercedes found out and found out and found out about his girlfriend, and Britney was carried away by some kind of bond with this son of mine, as well as with the coach, who su je caught kako because of the recent escape without good ruble photographers. Yako pievachiku ovay the car has not seriously approached the present moment, and this is the modern state when, due to the fact that it fell with paprene, and unexpectedly and in some way, you can get rid of it.