Sanidade starts mass flu and coronavirus vaccinations on October 16 and will open large venues again for people under 80

File photo of medical center revaccinating people over 80 years old with COVID-19 and flu vaccines cape

The campaign will start on September 25 in residential complexes and centers for people with disabilities; smokers included in the target group for the flu vaccine for the first time

September 15, 2023 .Updated at 4:16 p.m.

this Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations Starting next Monday in Galicia September 25. It will take place in nursing homes and centers for the disabled, where Sergas hopes to protect around thirty thousand people. On October 16, vaccination was gradually expanded to other target groups. In health centres, hospitals and large venues. Xunta re-enabled Large venues For combined protection against COVID-19 and influenza Under 80 years old. People aged 80 or older will be able to get vaccinated at health centres.

This was explained by Health Minister Julio García Comesaña and Public Health Director Carmen Durán in a speech, in which they recalled that joint vaccinations will be carried out proactively. That is to say, A text message will be sent People over 80 years old go to health centers and the rest of the target group go to large venues.

Who should get vaccinated against these two viruses?this The target group is people over 60 years oldhe health center staff and social care, institutionalized people, pregnant and postpartum women and other groups such as cohabitants from high-risk groups, Under 60 years old, there are certain risk factorscaregivers of high-risk groups or those engaged in essential public services.

Additionally, there are other groups of people for whom it is recommended to get the flu vaccine instead of the coronavirus vaccine, such as Population of children 6 to 59 months – as happened last year – people who have been in contact with animals on a farm or farm, first time smoker. It must be remembered that as far as the flu vaccine is concerned, the system will be the usual one from previous years, with users booking appointments at their health center in due course.

he Purpose Xunta is designed to prevent influenza At least 75% of people over 65 and health care workers, and 60% of children aged 6 to 59 months and pregnant women. This percentage was reached last year for people over 65, but not yet for health workers and pregnant women. In fact, Galicia has higher coverage in all groups except the last one.

respiratory syncytial virus

Another novelty this fall is vaccination respiratory syncytial virus, This also started Day 25.This virus can cause BronchiolitisIt is one of the main reasons for hospitalization in the first few months of life. The vaccine will include the administration of the following sets of monoclonal antibodies: Newborns born on or after September 25 Examinations will be carried out within 24 hours and 48 hours after birth, but babies born from April 1, 2023 will also be recaptured. In this case, arrangements will be made by referring to information from the public hospital. Another group that needs protection are premature infants born from October 1, 2022, and children with high-risk medical conditions.

COVID-19 increases

The health minister confirmed the rise in coronavirus cases in recent days but downplayed the seriousness of the situation. There are 14 patients in different ICUs,«with covid or covid», he clarified that nearly 300 people are hospitalized every day and there are 50 new cases. This is a situation”It’s about us, but it’s stable» and asking people with symptoms to wear masks when possible.

Regarding influenza, Carmen Duran pointed out that although there are some sporadic cases, the epidemic wave has not yet arrived, and there is no growth curve. Regarding what is happening in the Southern Hemisphere, which has passed the flu season, Duran recalled that in terms of the number of cases and the fact that it was brought forward, it was very similar to last year, “That’s why we want to start vaccinations as quickly as possible.

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