Sasha Lakich, 8 trends in 2023 that will change design forever according to the creative | Architectural Digest of Italy

Sasha Lakic has also designed a glamorous version of the minibar. Fauchondesign element related toHotel Fauchon in Paris It is also available to individuals. Sasha Lakich chose a delicate pink metallic, the reflections of which are multiplied on the faceted surface of the doors. Although he is a strong advocate of “eat less, eat better” and defends timelessness as an increasingly important value, we asked him: what trends in 2023 will change design forever. Here’s what he told us.

“A trend is never final, that is its principle: to be ephemeral. Each new emerging trend drives out the previous one… Even if it is a spinning wheel that always passes through the same point. All trends are back with minor changes“. And this introduction brings us to the first point that interests us.

1. Modular sofas from the 70s

Not only from the 70s, but in general, these are cult works of other eras, with minor changes that make them the current product for today’s needs. Similarly, Sasha Lakich argues that when it comes to furniture design, one has to distinguish between the upholstery and the product itself. OUR colors and patterns they are often fashion-inspired and change quickly, and the product design is more stable, more durable over time. let `s talk about bed inspired by the glamor of the 50s or a dressing table that could have been from the home of Marlene Dietrich or Greta Garbo.

2. Technology applied to fabrics

We see it in textile coverings where this innovation deserves special attention. For example, the above sofa Bubble is now available in new shades and 3D fabrics that give it the flavor it needs and turn it into a product with visual and physical comfort. And the point is that “Product design has always adapted to the evolution of society and will always be in constant evolution. Nothing is fixed and final,” says Sasha Lakich. An aspect that has been highlighted by the pandemic. Much more attention is paid to the home, we tend to invest more in our homes, in quality items that provide us with the well-being we need.

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