Scientists confirm they can be vaccinated together

Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines taken together are as effective as taking them separately

Even for one flu virus, the response is better if you get the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time

Diego Buenos Aires

  • Diego Buenos Aires
  • OKDIARIO Health News Specialist; responsible for communications and journalism for the Leon School of Nursing. Previously, he was editor-in-chief of Crónica el Mundo de León and collaborator of Onda Cero. Received the Gold Medal of the Leon Provincial Council for his information and dedication to the Province of Leon and as the author of books such as “The Art of Caring”.

Each year, flu vaccination recommendations are made during the fall and winter months for people who are at higher risk for the flu. If you have complications from an infection Influenza and can spread the disease to other people who are at high risk for complications.Starting with the 2021-2022 season, vaccinations Influenza occurs at the same time Get the COVID vaccine.

Vaccination against these two diseases is intended to increase access to the most vulnerable and health and social care staff Reduce morbidity and mortality and the impact of these diseases on health and social care capacity.

But in recent years, many debates have been launched in an attempt to clarify this and, most importantly, provide scientific data to support the suitability of vaccination for both. Get vaccinated together Most importantly, check its effectiveness.

Now, a research team from Institute of Biomedical Research of Seville (IBiS) The effectiveness and safety of concurrent vaccination with c vaccine have been demonstratedOvid-19 and influenzathis approach can also help reduce the burden on health systems and optimize resources and time to action.

“Taking the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time is as effective as giving the vaccines alone,” he explained in a statement. Maria Elisa Corderoteam leader Viral infections and immunosuppressed patients IBiS.

This finding responds to initial suspicions that there might be Interference between vaccineswhich creates uncertainty about their effectiveness when used in combination, but research shows this is not the case and the answer is the same.

The study just presented was conducted by Institute of Medical Research of Seville (IBiS) and Santa Maria del Rossio University Hospital of SevilleWith the participation of researchers from the University of Seville and the Health Center Los Bermejales and the team of Adolfo García Sastre Icahn School of Medicine from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

This work was funded by the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Government of Andalusia and FEDER funds.

However, as experts stress, certain aspects of the immune response still require more in-depth study regarding the effectiveness of accompanying vaccinations, especially in people with weakened immune responses, such as immunosuppressed patients, where the primary immune response one. Challenge. Solve.

The researchers added: “Even for one type of influenza virus, the response is better if the influenza vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine are given at the same time, but in different groups.”

“One of the next aspects to investigate is to analyze whether there are vaccination strategies that can improve the effectiveness of both vaccines in patient groups who are less likely to respond to the vaccine due to underlying medical conditions, such as immunosuppressed patients. “We are considering this in the future. research to explore vaccination strategies that may improve efficacy in these groups,” he said.

“Giving both vaccines at the same time increases vaccination efficiency and saves time for patients and health care workers,” said María Elisa Cordero.

This strategy not only optimizes vaccination logistics and saves resources and time, but also Maintains the same safety and effectivenessResearchers say this is critical to improving vaccine coverage and public health.

This study marks a step towards strategic More efficient and flexible vaccinationcan address current and future public health challenges, and emphasizes the importance of continued research to optimize our response to viral diseases.

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